Monday, August 31, 2009

Leah's 1st Birthday Bash

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Leah, who was turning 1 year old.
his little girl knew from the moment she woke up on her birthday that something special was going on. She knew she was the center of attention, and she thought that was the most fun thing!

Her Grandma & Grandpa were visiting her, and there was all sorts of decorating & cooking going on. She was in awe at the big round floating ball-looking things that her mommy called "balloons." And she also loved the crinkly paper things called "streamers."

When she woke up from a short nap, lots of friends started coming to her house. She saw her Uncle BJ & Aunt Chela, her "Uncle" Steve, and her friends Sarah, Ben & Mary Jo. They all played with her and told her how cute she was!

Then everyone ate hamburgers & salad & watermelon. The birthday girl wore a crown. But only for a second until she took it off because she did NOT want anything to mess up her beautiful hair!

Ater dinner, it was time for presents. The birthday girl wasn't really too sure what to do with them at first. But she did think it was pretty cool to play with the pretty paper and ribbons that the presents were wrapped in.

She got lots of cool toys. She always wanted someone to open them right away so she could play with them. But by the time she was done opening presents, she had so many she didn't even know what to do with herself! There were new toys everywhere, and so many people to play with. But her favorite gift by far was from her "Uncle" Steve. It was a ball pit! Daddy bought her some extra balls to go in it. She loves balls and having so many in one place was like heaven! It was so much fun to sit outside the ball pit and throw them all in.

And as if that wasn't enough fun for one day, then the birthday girl got to eat cake! At first she wasn't too sure why Mommy & Daddy were giving her this round thing in her high chair. But after only one bite, she decided it was yummy and she dug in, first trying to stick her face in it, but then realizing it was easier to use her hands to stuff it in her mouth! She ate the whole thing. And after one taste of ice cream, she wanted more of that too!

Turning one is hard work! And as soon as all her friends left, the little girl went to sleep. What a fun day she'd had!

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