Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm Back!

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but our family has been infested with sickness. Leah came down with sniffles/ general ickiness two weeks ago Thursday. She went to the dr. for her one-year check up that Friday and the dr. didn't see anything of concern. Sat. she started to get a little better and we spent the day at the lake with some people from church who own a house there & a couple jet skis & boats.
Then Monday she came down with this horrible barking cough and was wheezing instead of breathing. A couple other kids in her preschool class were diagnosed with croup. So back to the dr. we went. And sure enough, that's what it was. She had a steroid "shot" (which was just oral) which was all it took to cure her within 2 days. She also has an ear infection, which is still lingering after 5 days of antibiotics, but will probably soon be gone. Now her cough is still hanging on, but she's got back all the energy she lacked and yesterday just played and giggled all day long.

I missed almost all week of work last week, going in about an hour or two a day with Leah, since I couldn't take her to school. She was really whiny most of the time and just wanted to be held, or just lay around. Most of the time I didn't mind, but when she whined while being held, it got pretty tiring. And then Brett caught it, and then I caught it (both of us to a mild degree) and it's still lingering in our house but I am back at work today.

Meanwhile, Leah's still not walking, but she is ever-so-close. She loves to push chairs around the house, holding on and walking them around. If she would just let go! She is also mimicking our actions more than ever: when given a hairbrush, she pretends to brush her hair; when she finds shoes she tries to put them on her feet (and also says something that sounds an awful lot like "shoe"); she takes tissues and wipes her face (and today even made a blowing sound with her mouth in it like she was blowing her nose); she puts shirts on over her head.... I guess we're going to have to start watching what we do!

Our 2nd Lake Day of the summer. Leah with Ben & Sarah's dog, Sam. Upon first seeing her, Leah pointed & shouted "da!" and couldn't get enough of that dog. She also got to drive the golf cart. :)
Pushing the chair around...
"Helping" with the laundry. For some reason she likes to pull the clothes out of the dryer.
This was a birthday present from someone at church, and it's become a favorite. Of course, it involves balls. She pushes the button & they come popping out. She always looks at it with a surprised face and says "oh!"

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