Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparing to Say "Bye-Bye" to the Bottle

I don't know why there isn't a lot of information out there about how to eliminate the use of the bottle. I haven't heard from anyone else how they did it. I know that it is a necessity-- it's bad for her teeth to have milk in a bottle just before bed, it's not good to rely on the bottle as a sleep aid, etc. But really, I am the reason she's not yet getting rid of the bottle. I suppose I could just stop giving her one, forcing her to drink her milk from a cup or not have any. But most of the time the bottle seems easier & quicker than putting her in her high chair, preparing a snack, waiting for her to finish, cleaning up, etc. etc. Also, the bottle almost always works to put her to sleep before a nap/ bedtime. It's soothing. (And I guess a small part of me is not ready for her to not be my baby anymore. Bottle time is the only time she'll sit still long enough for me to hold her.) She's still not quite one, so I know I have time, but I know it's only going to get harder as she gets older. So here is the new game plan (taken from an article on IVillage.com)

Strategies to employ to completely wean from the bottle:
1. Offer milk in a cup before every bottle feeding. I realize he may flat out refuse it, but persistance often pays off.
2. Wean gradually. I suggest that you eliminate one bottle -feeding every five to seven days, depending on your child's reaction. Replace each bottle-feeding with a cup feeding and extra holding.
3. Leave the morning bottle for last.Leave his favorite bottle (for Leah, probably the night time one) as the last one eliminated. When it is time to eliminate that feeding, do it slowly by decreasing the amount in that particular bottle over a week.

It will be much easier to start this once she starts school full time (Sept. 1st). They won't really be able to give her a bottle while she's there, so that will automatically eliminate the mid-day bottle (and hopefully she will be too busy to even notice it's missing). After school, she'll be napping probably until close to dinner time anyway. So then I'll just work on the morning one, offering breakfast as soon as she gets up instead of the bottle. The goal now is to be done by the time she hits 13 months.

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