Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Dear Leah,

I can hardly believe it's been a year since you came into our lives. It has certainly been quite a journey. Those first few weeks-- well, first months, really-- were a little rocky. I wasn't sure you'd ever learn to sleep or eat or do anything on a schedule. I thought I'd never have any time for myself. Those days were full of so many emotions and fears that I barely had time to reflect on the fact that you were here. You were no longer safe inside my womb, you were mine & your daddy's to hold and to take care of.

The struggles with nursing and sleeping eventually got better, and then you started smiling and laughing and interacting much more, and then-- that's when I decided I could get used to this mommy thing. And I wanted so badly to preserve your every sound, your every move and every cute "thing." I wanted to bottle up your newborn smiles and sounds so I could hold on to them forever, because I knew even then that they wouldn't be here long.

And now, as you turn one, I am even more aware of that fact. You grow in leaps and bounds every day. It seems like you are constantly making new developments. And now I am no longer consumed with worries over whether you're eating enough or whether you'll sleep through the night or whether you'll take a nap when I need you to. Now I think more about what fun things we can do together, what new things I can teach you and show you and what cool new things you'll do every day. And I am constantly reminded that your Daddy and I only have you a short time-- we are only your caretakers here on earth, here to cheer you on as you aim toward the ultimate goal of one day meeting your Heavenly Father face to face.

But for now, you're stuck with us. We get you for at least the next 17 years. We get to watch you learn and grow and become the person that God is-- even now-- creating you to be. We are so excited to hear all you will have to say and see all that you will become. I pray that you'll keep your carefree giggle and unconditional charm, and that you'll add to it a passion and love for Jesus as your personal Savior. Happy birthday, little girl of mine!

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