Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Today we tried to find a pumpkin patch. I didn't really know where any good ones were and I didn't want to drive too far. I found one road-side stand that had only 2 left. And they were pitiful. So I drove some more and still didn't find anything. So we went to the grocery store. And they had only 2 left. And they were tiny. But we got them anyway. I was bummed we didn't find an actual patch, but I don't think the kids really cared.

Of course, I did most of the work, but they helped scoop, and played with the gunk while I cut. Leah didn't really want to touch the gunk at first, but she did get into it later. I had to keep Andrew from putting it into his mouth, but he mostly just loved holding the spoon and putting it in the seeds. Both of them kept putting the gunk back into the pumpkins, so I must have dumped them out about 4 or 5 times.

The final product turned out really cute, I think!

But this is the best shot you're gonna get of a very active 15 month old (who really loves steps)with his jack-o-lantern.

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