Friday, October 21, 2011

State Fair 2011

Yesterday I took the kids for a "field trip" to the NC State Fair. They had a deal where we could get in free with 4 cans of food for the Food Bank. So of course there were huge crowds of people, and just finding a parking place and walking to the Fair took over half an hour, but I was prepared, and both of them did so well, especially since we went well into the afternoon without a nap.

We got to see lots of animals. Leah loved all of them! Andrew was just happy to be out of the stroller.

PBS had a fun tent just for little kids with some hands-on activities. They both loved Alphabet Soup magnets, and climbing on little pillars and just getting to run around a little while.

There was a great photo op. outside. The girl is a cheeser.

Andrew got to enjoy his first funnel cake. Leah had a little but she's had a little tummy bug or something and didn't really eat much all day.

By far their favorite part was the petting zoo. It was the last thing we did but we must have been there at least 20 or 30 minutes. We got to feed the goats some grain and carrots. (Andrew even tried to feed them sticks and dirt from the ground.) Both of them were fearless and did not at all mind the goats in their faces.

As we were heading out, we saw Elmo! I thought Leah might be a little nervous, but she walked right up to him and gave him a hug! Andrew had no fear, either, and the whole way out kept saying "Elmo... Elmo..."

They were so exhausted at the end of the day and it was a long trip but I hope they will have some memories they can carry with them a long time.

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