Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!

In spite of the rainy, cold weather, our church still attempted Trunk or Treat this year. I've never done anything like this, never even gone trick or treating with the kids, but I got them both costumes on clearance last year so we set out-- the cutest bear and ladybug you'll ever see.

One day perhaps I'll be able to get a good picture of both of my kids together (and maybe one day I'll be in a picture with them?), but yesterday was not the day.

We didn't actually do Trunk or Treat-- we set up a table under the covered awning in front of the church. We only stayed about 30 minutes or so, then we headed to Food Lion and one other store. Since I was by myself (Brett stayed at the church) it was tricky getting both of them in and out of their carseats, especially in the rain, so we didn't go anywhere else. But Leah quickly got the hang of saying "Trick or Treat" to get the candy. And she ate quite a bit. There wasn't much Andrew could eat, but he did get a few Kit Kat bars (and I don't think he'll soon forget that he loves candy!).

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