Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Leah-isms", Christmas edition

Leah has really started to express herself a lot more lately and also really just start to "get" things. I wish I could video her saying all the cute things she says, just so I can remember them later, but for now, writing will have to do.

- She really seems to be excited about Christmas this year. She loves to see Santa Clause and waves and calls out his name whenever she sees him out & about. When we first put the tree up, we kept asking her "Isn't it pretty?" so now every day she makes sure she says, "Our tree's priiitty!" (And we must turn it on the minute we enter the house. We have it hooked up to a Clapper, and it's really funny when she tries to clap to turn it on!)

(We made sugar cookies this year-- she actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought she would-- especially since I told her it was okay to eat the batter-- and it took up a lot more time than I thought. Maybe next year we'll attempt decorating the cookies!)

- All snowmen are "Frosty the Snowman" and reindeer are all "Rudolph, red-nosed reindeer." Whenever she hears Christmas music, she makes a request for "Charlie Brown song" from her current favorite movie Charlie Brown's Christmas (or "Smis-mus," in Leah's words).

- When she really likes something, she says, "Oooo, I wub it, Mommy!" And she has mastered "I don't like it!" When we walk in a store with toys or something she recognizes, she always says, "oooo" or "wow!"

- She repeats everything she hears. Last week I kept telling her how pretty she looked in her church clothes, so she went downstairs and said, "My dress is priiittty, Daddy!" Melted my heart!

- Throwing something away or getting rid of it is also known as "FWISH it away!" (Don't know where she got that, but that's what happened to her boo boo as of late-- the doctor "wish"ed it away!)

- Lately she "needs" everything! "I need one more book..." "I need juice!..." "I need another one cookie..." And she will let you know until she gets whatever it is!

- Much to my dismay, she has become a TV junkie. She knows the order of the cartoons on PBS that she watches every day. She also loves America's Funniest Home Videos and watches it with Daddy many nights of the week. When it goes to commercial, she always says, "It's comin' back!" Even when the show is off, she says "It's comin' back!" And we have to just agree with her, or she will get upset. (Well, it is coming back, eventually.)

- She is definitely getting ready for potty training. The past few days she has been telling me, "I didn't poop." I think it's mostly because she hates getting her diaper changed since the MRSA incident. But it's funny how she tells me when she didn't go, but not really when she did!

- She is always bossing things around. She yells "No, ma'am!" to pretty much anything that doesn't do what she wants it to do, especially books. And Andrew.

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