Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas, Round 1

My mom & dad came the weekend before Christmas to celebrate early. Of course there were tons of presents, so Leah & Andrew were spoiled before Santa even had a chance to come!

Mom & Dad came around lunch time so we spent a whole day playing and talking. BJ & Chela came over for a nice dinner Friday night, and then it was time for presents!

Andrew had this awed look on his face pretty much the whole time.

And it didn't take him long to figure out what to do with those wrapped things. Although apparently it is also necessary to taste the paper.

And of course Leah had no problems unwrapping gifts, and wanted to unwrap everyone's! Although she loved unwrapping, she also wanted to stop and play with each thing she got. She wanted us to read her her books, and wanted crayons to immediately color her coloring book. She especially loved Andrew's toys!

Thanks, Mom, Dad, BJ & Chela for all the great gifts!!

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