The nursing is slowly getting better. He latches really well on one side, but we're still having a lot of issues on the other side. The lactation consultant suggested pumping a minute or two on that side and to just keep trying, getting him used to it. I was concerned about him only nursing 5 to 10 minutes each session, but she said that can be perfectly normal-- my milk just lets down quickly, and I should just consider myself blessed. She said it is different for every person and really as long as the baby is gaining the right amount of weight, I should not focus on the time it takes.
I discussed his gas issues with the dr. and he said it is also perfectly normal. (Though he will sleep 2 pretty good 2-hour stretches at night, at the 3am feeding, he will usually get really fussy, and though he doesn't cry continually, he will start to cry every time I put him down in his bed. It's the same way in the afternoons. It usually takes 2-4 hours for him to work out his wiggles & squirms & arching back.) The dr. suggested a few things, like white noise while he's sleeping, a vibrating bouncer seat (too bad the vibration doesn't work on the one we have!), and of course just making sure he burps well... Looking back at Leah's newborn days, we were still struggling with this issue at 6 weeks or so, and the dr. also said his digestive system really won't regulate until around that time, so we just have to wait it out a few more weeks, and hopefully it will get better.
This past weekend, we finally finished up his nursery. (Well, there's still a little more junk to put away, which is why I didn't get a good overall picture of it, but it won't take more than an hour or two. If only I had about 3 more closets!) We transitioned Leah to her "big girl" bed, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. We tried at her nap time on Sat. She didn't seem like she was going to like it at first-- she tried to go over to Andrew's room to get into the crib, but we kept talking up the "big girl" bed and how cool it was that she could take her stuffed animals & her books with her, and how she was such a big girl. She went down okay, but then got up & started crying. Brett went up for a second try, read to her again, and she was fine. She did fine at bed time as well, although she has been waking up seemingly more at night. In the mornings, she's still sitting in her bed when we go up to get her, even though I'm sure she knows she can get out. I think maybe she thinks she'll get in trouble if she gets up. We've taken plently of safety measures in her room regardless in case she does decide to get up!
So since she's transitioned, we were able to move the crib to Andrew's room and get that set up, and finish everything else. We love love Leah's new cute little girl room! Andrew's still needs a few finishing touches, but it definately looks like a little boy's space!
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