Monday, August 30, 2010

Leah @ 2 Years Old

We just got back from Leah's 2 year dr. visit, so I thought I'd do one last monthly update for my big girl.

* She weighs 23.4 lbs. (only the 15th % for girls her age) and is 33.5 inches tall (50th%). This means she only gained about 2 pounds in 6 months (Andrew has gained this much in 2 weeks!). She has been in size 4 diapers about a year now, and she's still too small for some 18-month-size pants!

* She still sleeps 11 hours at night, although lately she has been waking up in the middle of the night or at 6am (normal wake-up time is 7). She'll go right back to sleep though. She will usually take a 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hour nap, unless we wait too late or unless she catnaps in the car-- then there's no chance, and by 5pm no one wants to be around her!

* She's not been eating well lately, but I guess it's a phase. It really depends on what you give her. She will eat 2 adult portions of cereal for breakfast (plus toast and strawberries) but then eat nothing for lunch & maybe a bowl of applesauce or yogurt for dinner. She loves her juice and drinks way too much!

* She understands a lot more than I often give her credit for, and picks up just about anything you tell her once! She follows simple commands, she can speak in 2 or 3-word phrases, she pretends to "read" books, she can answer questions...

I pretty much covered everything else in her 2-year-old letter. Even though she can be so frustrating at times when she whines and throws tantrums, she is generally a lot of fun and really an obedient and sweet little girl and I am so proud to call her mine.

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