Monday, November 26, 2018

Snow Day & More Taekwando

Our first big snow of the year is always fun for the kids and they get excited to go out and play in it. This year it was mid-November. It snowed a day or so before it even stopped long enough to go out. They sled, threw snowballs & built a snowman. Jacob, while he didn't really mind the snow itself, really didn't like that I wouldn't let him wear his usual mud boots (that aren't really warm enough) and familiar coat with no lining. By the time I got everything on him he wanted nothing to do with the outside.

This is our Flat Snowman we made before the real one.

The day after the snow, Andrew tested for his next highest belt color in taekwando. He's now been going strong for 3 years. I still wouldn't say its a passion for him, but he is starting to put more effort into practicing and starting to enjoy the sport. 

He now has a high blue belt. The next color is red, and then comes black! It will still probably be a good two years at least before black, and lots more hard work & dedication, but I think he does want to continue on.

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