Sunday, July 2, 2017

VBS 2017

Every year we look forward to Vacation Bible School at church. We don't plan much else for that week, since we are there from about 4:30 until 8:30 every night. This year I volunteered for the nursery, so I don't have many pics of my big kids, but they had a blast. Even Abi was in her own group that went from station to station, and I never heard of any of them getting in trouble, or being sad or any kind of issues. The theme had to do with Maker Fun Factory, so fun things like inventions and colorful creations were involved.

I had four in the nursery most every night. Jacob and his buddy Woody were a handful- they are so much alike they are constantly taking each other's toys and instigating trouble. But they are so funny to watch together. And watching Jacob with the littler babies is so sweet. He loves to kiss them on the head and will usually help try to take care of them.

The weather was rainy most nights but we were able to get in the bounce house one night. It was Jacob's first time and he had no fear. He got right in and bounced his little heart out with his little nursery friends.

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