Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Jacob @ 21 Months

Oh how much this little guy makes us laugh! Jacob is a funny little kid and his new words and mannerisms amaze me every day. Here are some examples of what he does that is funny.

1. Lately all animals are called "meow." Even birds. And anything soft. And he gets really excited about bugs in the house. They are called "mimi!" and he tries to catch them. He does know the sound a dog makes, but anytime he sees any kind of animal, it is "meow."

2. Jacob loves giving out kisses. When Daddy leaves, he gives everyone a kiss. So then Jacob has to go give everyone a kiss. And if he gives one, he can't leave anyone else out. He also loves giving a fist bump, complete with sound effects. He will give them to random strangers who have no idea why he's holding his fist out to them.

3. His new favorite thing is to "hide"-- from diaper changes, from medicine, from anyone calling his name-- by covering his eyes, or burying his head in something. He thinks by running away and closing his eyes he can't be found, even if there is a great deal of giggling involved.

(This picture just included because I always told Abi when Jacob was a baby that "one day he'll be big enough to sit on you & get you back for smothering him!")

4. He's pretty picky when it comes to food (will only eat fruit in yogurt & the only veggie he eats is peas), but he loves his snacks. "Mommy, a 'nack!" is what I hear frequently. And if he's not asking, he's running to the snack cabinet, which he can open himself, and sneaking a Vanilla Wafer or graham cracker. He also loves juice. Too much. "Momma, a 'ji" means get me a drink now!

5. One of my favorite little boy thing is watching them drive cars around the floor. As soon as he so much as sees a toy car, he sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries for the car noise and will "vroom" (as Andrew used to say) them around.

6. He loves getting books off the bookshelf and pretending to read them. He only has a short tolerance for being read to (because he would have to sit still too long), but he does enjoy looking at books and loves to have one read at night before bed.

7. This kid loves music. He still loves to sing "e-i-e-i-o" everywhere he goes. And he has a hilarious dance he does when the music is upbeat, which involves a whole lot of shoulder & head action. He loves pretending to play Daddy's piano.

8. He loves to be "ou-side!" and is always happy when he can run free. He will beg to get his shoes if anyone is going outside and even attempts to put them on himself. He always asks to go "ou-side!" And he has no fear when it comes to playgrounds or climbing. He still loves the sandbox, and he loves slides.

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