Our campsite was right on the water, with a big rocky drop-off that kept the kids at a safe enough distance from going straight into the Lake. We got a site with a Lean-to, which is a three-sided wooden shelter that provides a dry place for our stuff and enough room for our air mattress and Jacob's portable crib. The kids slept in a tent nearby.
After setting up camp, eating lunch, and a short wait for the rain to go away, we headed to the nearby Lake. We had to drive to a different part of the island but found this little beach where not many people were out. It was mostly mud, but the water was nice and the kids enjoyed playing for a couple hours.
After going in a little too far and getting swept up, Jacob had a healthier fear of the water and happily stayed where he could sit down and scoop water & dirt into his buckets.
Leah is a fish and wanted to go as far out as possible and practice her swimming.
One thing we like to do in the sand is dig channels into the water. We like to see how elaborate they can get. This time we even added a bridge!
Back at the campsite we started a fire and grilled some chicken & veggie foil packets I'd prepared ahead of time. They took awhile, but the kids were happy to play in the dirt, throw rocks in the water, and work on scraping away at a dinosaur fossil project Grandma sent Andrew before we left.
Jacob was so happy to be "ou-side" all day. He was a lot less mischievous than he usually is and wanted to be held much of the time when he wasn't digging in the dirt.
They were so excited to stay up till it was dark and enjoy the campfire. They got to see lightning bugs, which they rarely enjoy at home, because they're always in bed before dark. They all slept pretty well (except me-- I don't usually sleep well outside of home anyway, and the air mattress wasn't too comfortable) and there wasn't even anymore rain.
The next morning we weren't in a hurry but got up and packed up. Jacob was so cute looking at his books in the Lean-to while Abi and Andrew played on the log in the woods by the water. After we got everything loaded we enjoyed a nice lunch at Panera Bread on the way home. It was a great time as a family and we gained lots of great experiences.