Friday, November 4, 2016

Family Vacation 2016, Part 2: Great Wolf Lodge & the Beach

After three nights in Philly, we headed southward toward my mom & dad's house. BUT, the kids have been raving about the Great Wolf Lodge since last year when we went, so we decided to go again this year. They love that place! This time we went to the one in Williamsburg, and Grandma & Grandpa met us there. It was nice to have plenty of adults around to help with the little ones so we could all have a chance to go on the bigger water slides. 

Jacob was an absolute FISH! He did not want to be held and instead crawled all over the hard cement floor in the shallow water. He had no fear of water on his head and couldn't get enough of it. Abi was still a little timid & didn't really want to go on much but loved playing with Daddy in the big hot tub and the shallow kids pool.

Leah and Andrew knew what to expect, so they wasted  no time hitting up the big play area with super fast slides, and even went on a couple of the longer slides with us.

At bedtime, we enjoyed some pizza, then went trick or treating in the lodge like last year, and went to hear story time in our pj's. They got to meet Leah's favorite Great Wolf character, Violet.

The next day, Tuesday, we played the Magic Quest game in the morning, running around the hotel trying to find different things to finish a quest. Then we went back into the water park.

Of course before we left we had to pose for our family photo in front of the Great Wolf Lodge sign!

We left early afternoon and drove two hours down to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the next week. Wednesday the kids made cookies with Grandma, and we enjoyed some time at the beach! It was beautiful weather for October, and they were even able to get into the water. The tide was super high and the waves were pretty fierce-- Brett even got pulled under once, but they had a blast playing at the shore line and running from the water.

My littlest fish enjoyed the sand for a little while (the biggest sandbox he'd ever seen!) but tired of it quickly as it got stuck to his hands and his face, got all in his shorts and his shirt. He got fussy after an hour or so but we didn't stay much longer anyway.

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