Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Day!


We’ve had some unusually cold weather lately, and we’ve been waiting for snow (well, the kids have!). Finally, Wednesday we got our wish. It didn’t look like much at first but when we woke up in the morning, this is what we saw!


We didn’t waste any time getting out in it. We didn’t know how long it would last! Of course it took about 30 minutes to bundle everybody up! Daddy even stayed home, unsure how the roads would be to get to work.

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The first thing they wanted to do was make snow angels. Of course that makes you wet & colder, so it wasn’t long before Leah & Andrew were complaining they were cold.

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Andrew wanted to go down the icy slide. They each only did it once but I think it was fun!

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Abigail doesn’t exactly have a winter coat, so I bundled her in a sweater, a warm coat that has a broken zipper, and then another spring jacket on top. She could barely move her arms! Still, she complained the least out of all of the kids and didn’t really whine. In typical Abigail form, she just took it all in.


We went on a little walk through the field & woods behind our house. We saw squirrel tracks in the snow. Daddy took Leah & Andrew back out again later in the afternoon while I stayed inside with Abigail and made snow cream! They apparently found a small hill that time and went sledding on a flattened box, but I missed that! I don’t mind a snow like this once in awhile, but I don’t like having everything shut down and I don’t like the icy mess it leaves. At least we only have it rarely!


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