Friday, February 28, 2014

Ballerina Practice


This past week I got to go see Leah in her dance class, just like I did last year. Normally they don’t let parents go back to their practices, because parents can sometimes be the toughest critics and are way harder on the girls than they should be. Her teachers only give encouragement and rarely ever correct them. At this age, they are just learning to love dancing and music, learning the basic positions, and getting exercise and flexibility.

I had a much better position for picture-taking this year and her class is not as large.

They start out at the barre, doing different foot positions for a warm-up.

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Then they moved to the floor to do some stretching.


They did a few exercises in lines where they had to “leap” over cones, and then practiced their “sassy” walk. Then, halfway through they switched into their tap shoes. I like how they’re exposed to different types of dancing. They didn’t do much with tap—just a song or two.


The last song was the funniest, one where they did different motions and had to continually add new ones while still doing the others. They all seemed to enjoy that one.

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Here’s a few videos I got.

Leah is in the far back row in her pink leotard. They were doing their “sassy walk” across the floor. This song they are playing is one that Leah is constantly going around singing! (Except she sings it “I’ve got the eye of the ti-re, high-er,”)


And here is after they changed into their tap shoes.

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