Friday, September 28, 2012

35 Weeks Pregnant


I have been through a serious “nesting” phase the past few weeks, and basically everything is ready for the baby’s arrival. I have made countless trips to our storage building to get out all our old clothes, toys, and baby gear. Her newborn- 3 month sized clothes are all washed and put away (poor Andrew no longer has a dresser but is split between Leah’s room and Abigail’s) and a diaper bag is packed for the hospital. Blankets, burp cloths, and towels are all in place. Baby toys are clean and set up for when she needs them, including her play mat and bouncer seat. The bassinet has been out a while with clean sheets, and now her car seat is washed and in the car (although not quite hooked in yet). I even have a few things packed into a hospital bag. I don’t really think she’ll come this early, but I guess I am hoping once October is here that it will be sooner rather than later!

We still have to get her room completely finished with girly bedding, and still want to make Leah & Andrew’s room a little more boy friendly. There’s a consignment sale coming up, and we’re having a baby shower at church in a couple weeks.


I have been feeling quite uncomfortable every night, and I’m beginning to think I’ll get more sleep once she’s born that what I’m getting now, because right now I’m waking up just about every hour, and can’t get comfortable. I think this pregnancy has also given me many more issues with sinuses than the others, and I’ve had a constant headache and body aches the past few days. I can’t believe I still have 4 more weeks or so of this.

We toured the hospital today, since it is new to us, and we really liked it. Although the hospital is smaller, I think our experience will be as good as the previous ones and they seem to be very accommodating to all the desires we have. I am getting more and more nervous about the labor and delivery, but really at this point, I just want our little girl to be here with us.


These two have a lot of questions about their baby Abigail (and both do refer to her by name!) but seem to understand what’s happening (more so Leah than Andrew). Leah knows the baby is in my tummy and now understands that we will go to the hospital when she’s born. She knows Grandma will take care of her while we’re gone. They both know the baby will sleep in Andrew’s old crib (“I take a nap in Abigail’s crib?” Andrew asks me every day.) and sit in her little bouncer seat at the table. Leah says she will help “wash her and feed her and rock her to sleep.” But we will see how much their little world changes once she’s actually here!

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