Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To My Sweet 1-Year-Old Boy

Dear Andrew,

Where has this past year gone so quickly? Are you really no longer my little baby? It's amazing how much you've grown over the past year. And even though I knew it would happen, it's still bittersweet to see how big you are. I still remember the first time I saw your sweet little face. No one could really tell whether you looked more like Mommy or Daddy, but we could tell you were a perfect combination of both of us. And now, your personality is developing in the same way. This first year with you has been quite an adventure-- having a little boy is so different from having a little girl, and having a little Andrew means new experiences every day.

Andrew, I love how even though you really don't like to snuggle at all, you still love to be held and rocked before bedtijme, especially by your Mommy. You tend to be so fussy until someone comes and scoops you up-- you just like to know someone's nearby. You love to be around other people-- everyone at church thinks you never cry. You don't really sit still long enough to have a love of books yet-- you'd much rather be standing up and cruising around. You do love music and dancing and clapping and you love to be outside! You love water (especially in the toilet) and dirt and blocks and any kind of toy you can put "in" something else.

Getting you on a good sleeping schedule has been a challenge from Day 1. Many times you fight sleep or take short naps, but it's probably because you love life so much. You are such a BUSY boy, and so curious. There's barely time to sit down when you're awake-- you're always exploring something or another and I'm always having to get up and chase you around.

Though you haven't a single tooth in your mouth, you love to eat and you'll eat almost anything put in front of you. After our first few weeks of issues with nursing, you've become such a great nurser and now I'm not sure how to get you to stop!

I can tell you absolutely adore your big sister, even if she does hit you and push you around. (I know it won't be long before the tables are turned!) You follow her all around the house and want to be a part of whatever she's doing-- even if that means eating her crayons or beating her Princess figures against the wall or throwing her books all over the floor. There's no doubt you're a little BOY-- fearless in many ways, "stubborn", and full of energy.

Oh how much you are loved, my little boy, my second born. I am so excited to see you grow and become a young man. I pray we will always see the potential you have and remember you are not our own-- you are a child of God and only ours for a little while.

Love, Mommy

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