Saturday, July 23, 2011

Andrew's 1st Birthday Party

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Andrew, who was turning one year old. Although you might not be able to tell, he was quite excited about all the goings-on. He watched Daddy put decorations up with quite an intensity. He chased balloons around in awe. And, he took "streamer-eating" very seriously.

Grandma & Grandpa and Uncle BJ came and there were lots of cool decorations. And food.

He didn't really care for his hamburger lunch, but he was really quite curious about that stack of cake-looking things.

At first he wasn't quite sure what to do with his very own cupcake...

But then he took a taste...

And then, he got the hang of it...

Then it was time to open presents! He got quite a haul...

His big sister didn't quite understand that Andrew didn't really need help opening his gifts, and, no, there weren't any for her.

Even though she did get a princess skirt from Grandma (which she didn't take off the entire time, and begged to wear to church the next day!).

Mommy & Daddy got him a train with blocks to stack. (And he's very good at stacking things.)

Grandma & Grandpa got him a toy lawn mower-- which may have been one of his faves. He actually walked a few steps holding on to it.

Uncle BJ & Aunt Chela got him a Mega Blox boat for the bath.

Yet at the end of the day, his favorite thing to play with was a broom and dustpan.

What a great time this little one-year-old had! And how blessed he is to have such great family & friends!

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