Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vacation, Part 2

And now, the part without the kids (our first overnight trip away from the kids since before Andrew was born-- maybe even longer!):

We saw 3 lighthouses in the course of 24 hours. (And we took silly pictures of each one.) Not many people were around at any of them, but we managed to find people to take our picture at at least the first two. First is Hatteras.

Then later we took a 40-minute free ferry to Ocracoke Island. It took about 15 minutes to drive to the part of the island with civilization, and then 1 minute later, we were at the other end of the island-- it's that small! We didn't find much to do besides the lighthouse, so we got back on the ferry within an hour.

Dinner that night was an adventure! Nothing is really open during the off-season on Hatteras, but we managed to find a dive not far from our beach house. It was actually a bar, and there was maybe 4 other people there the whole time. We paid way too much for fish sandwiches. The atmosphere was crummy. But-- we didn't have to cook or clean, or feed anyone else! And we have a funny story to tell.

The next day on our way home we headed to Bodie Island Lighthouse. Apparently they are doing some construction on it right now, but that didn't stop us from getting out in the freezing cold wind to take some pictures!

We had such a fun, relaxing, and renewing time! We are so thankful to Mom & Dad for watching the kids for us (and they did perfectly fine-- maybe just a little whiny for them), and to Sharon for loaning us the beach house for the weekend.

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