Saturday, February 19, 2011

Andrew @ 7 months

Andrew's growing up so fast!! He has definately been doing some teething or something lately, because he's grumpy often and not sleeping well. He will usually go to bed around 7:30 or so but then wake up once or twice within the next couple hours. He's easily consoled with a minute or two of rocking and he'll go back to sleep until 3:30 or 4, when he wakes up wanting to eat. (And it's difficult to let this kid cry it out, because when he cries, he CRIES!) Then he's up again for the day by 6am. He's been napping pretty well in the mornings, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, but then in the afternoon, he'll sleep maybe 30-45 minutes then wake up, want to "snack" then play and then maybe will eventually sleep another 30 minutes, or fight it even though he's tired. It's a little nerve wracking, but hoping it will pass.

"Napping is overrated."

He's up to 3 meals a day of solid foods, although with the teething he hasn't always been so hungry. He's tried almost all the fruits & vegetables and we've even tried some chicken (pureed, of course). Ideally I'd like him to have his "solids" just before nursing, but his schedule doesn't always work out that way (especially with his lack of sleeping) so often it feels like he's eating all day long. He still nurses about every 3 hours-- lately more like 2 1/2.

Sic 'em, Bears! (Showing off his Baylor jammies from Aunt Karen)

He's still not sitting up well on his own, but can do it if he has a toy or something to occupy him. (He did ride sitting in the seat of the grocery cart the other day-- he looked so big!) For the sake of time the other day, I tried bathing him at the same time as Leah. I had to hold him the whole time, so it was a little tricky, but still fun! We'll probably wait a little while to do it again.

It doesn't take much to make him laugh, as seen in this video, where I kept putting the paci on my head and letting it "accidentally" fall off...

Andrew is already very energetic, always has to have something in his hands, and-- like his sister-- he's extroverted. Both my kids are energized by being around other people. They act completely different, and then when the other people are gone, they're wound up. It's an interesting personality trait to see develop, especially since I, for one, am introverted. Andrew is very determined about a lot of things-- when he sees something he wants, he tries really hard to get it. And if I take a toy out of his reach, he will stare at it, almost willing it to come to him!

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