Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fastest Growing Baby Ever

I was going to include all this stuff in Leah's 8-month old post this Wed., but seriously, this baby has done some major growing in what seems like a really short amount of time.

In the past 3 days, she has started really taking off in her crawling. She does a sort of army crawl using her hands and her belly. She's starting to get her knees off the floor, too, but still can't coordinate them to alternate with her arms. If she sees a toy just out of her reach, she can scoot herself toward it. It's even neater to watch on our hardwood floors-- she is now all over the place, and using more than just her rolling technique!

She also has learned to wave bye-bye. Well, we're not really sure if she understands that is what she is doing, but there have been 2 or 3 times when she has used it in an appropriate situation. When Brett comes home from work, I take her to the door to see him and she starts waving her hands. If you prompt her enough ("Say bye bye, Leah!"), she will wave. But, then she has always liked moving her hands around in the air, and now she is doing it all the time.

She also started clapping. Again, not sure if she really knows the appropriate time to do it, but we make sure to say, "Yay!" every time she does it so she will eventually figure it out. Now that she knows she can make noise by putting her hands together, she wants to do that all the time!

AND... And she's started talking a lot more. Using some consonants, even. It sounds like "dadadadada" or "yayayayayaya" but sounds much more like words than the screaming she used to do. She delights in seeing her toys, and will get a huge smile on her face when she sees something she likes (or something she knows she's not supposed to be getting into) and then start "talking" to it.

I knew it would all happen eventually, but, really? Couldn't she just slow down a little. I can't keep up!

Seriously, could this baby be any cuter?

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