Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Week- in Pictures

Snapshots of the past week:

Last Tuesday, a certain 7-month old decided she could sit up on her own for longer than 10 seconds! She still prefers her belly, but she can do it. It's much easier to just sit her in the shopping cart at the store, or in the high chair at the restaurant, and now we're one step closer!

Since then, she's only gotten more active. Now she can inch her way across the floor on her belly, reaching out to get toys just out of reach. She turns her whole body around using her hands and her belly. I'm expecting this to all lead to crawling any day now!

Easter weekend had a couple nice days before it got really cold. Leah's Nana sent her a cute Easter dress. And Leah loved playing with empty Easter eggs.

Saturday we went out to Pullen Park. I remember going there as a kid and have a lot of photos of me there when I was little. We got some of Leah in the flowers, and we got to ride the train, and check out the caboose.

Leah also got to meet the Easter Bunny Saturday. Well, a creepy Walmart version of the Easter bunny. He would have given me nightmares if I was her size. She, however, loved his beard!

Sunday we had a good service at church to celebrate our risen Savior. We spent the rest of the day enjoying a nice dinner with our friends Ben & Sarah, including playing some games, and then just relaxed the rest of the day!

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