* Measurements- According to my calculations, Leah is up to 18 lbs. and is about 29.5 inches long. She is flying through 6-9 month sized clothes!
* Sleeping- She is now pretty consistently sleeping 11-12 hours a night. She goes down between 7:30 & 8:30 and almost always wakes up around 7am. (Now I just need to start getting up earlier than 7 so I can get ready before she is up & at 'em.) Her naps, though usually around the same times every day (10am, 2pm), usually vary in length. The morning is rarely longer than an hour. Afternoon can sometimes be 45 min. (and when this happens she is ready to go to bed by 6) or 2 1/2 hours. I have yet to figure out how to make them consistently longer!
* Eating- She is now down to about 4 bottles a day, 6 oz. each, with an occasional ounce or two after a meal. I am only pumping 3 times a day now, and one afternoon feeding is formula, which she seems to be taking to just fine. She eats solids 3 times a day, and is a very good eater. She'll eat pretty much anything. A lot of times it seems like she doesn't like the foods I've prepared at home, but I'm still working on figuring out how to make them more like her store-bought food. This month she's tried: avocado, mango, corn, broccoli, macaroni & cheese, potatoes, yogurt, blueberries, and strawberries.
- For fun, I've tried to give her some Cheerios to play around with. She can pick them up, but usually they get stuck to the inside of her palm and stay there. She doesn't quite seem to get yet that she can eat them, even though everything else in her hands goes to the mouth! I have also given her a teething biscuit (Brett says it makes him think of dog biscuits), and she loved that, although it is very messy! I've also given her a taste of a frozen fruit "popsicle" that I was eating, and she couldn't get enough of it. She cried when it was gone! She likes to try anything that big people are doing and reaches out for a water bottle if I'm drinking and tries to drink from it herself.
* Milestones- As I mentioned in the last post, the past two weeks it seems Leah has grown in leaps & bounds. Everything seems to be happening all at once-- waving, clapping, "crawling," and yammering-- it's just another reminder of how quickly she is growing up! I have already begun childproofing the house as I never know what she's going to get into next. She has already: 1) pulled a book off the bookshelf... 2) put a plant leaf in her mouth, and also tried to eat grass... 3) headed for the electrical outlet...
Exhibit A: Trying to eat grass...
* Personality- Oh how mischeivous my little girl is! It's interesting to note how she seems to know what things she's not supposed to be getting into. She'll go towards something she's not supposed to touch, start giggling a little, look at me, and then go ahead & touch it. (Reminds me every day that we are all born sinners in need of a Savior.) She's very busy, always moving, and it's getting harder to put her in one place & know she'll stay there! She's starting to get fussier when I leave the room, but she's not yet like that with strangers-- she'll still go to anyone as long as she can see me.
- She also loves peekaboo. My favorite is when she'll get behind a piece of furniture, or something, and peeeek around the corner to see me. Many times when I go in to her room to get her in the morning, she'll be pulling down on the crib bumper, on her tummy, looking to see me & giggling.
- She loves to be sung to. It always calms her down and she stares at whoever is singing. For some reason she hates to have a shirt put on so I usually sing to her while it's going on to take her mind off it. She also loves it when you clap or whistle in front of her.
She definately keeps us busy!! We haven't done too much else as a family recently, just life as usual. Looking forward to a few fun summer months ahead!
The 8-month bear pictures didn't turn out quite right. The digital camera is broken, so I'm using Brett's 35mm. I've taken some more but we'll have to wait till I use the rest of the roll of film to post them. For now, here's some to hold you over!