Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Things I've Learned From My Baby Girl

1. Forgiveness-- I mean, really-- I can leave the kid crying in her crib for 5 minutes and yet the second I get in there and give her a bottle, she's forgotten all about it and gives me a huge smile!

2. Unconditional love-- I started to learn this when I got married, but there is nothing like a helpless little baby that totally, 100% depends upon you for all her needs to give you a taste of the love Christ shows for His children.

3. Joy in the little things-- She can stare at a stuffed red rooster that hangs from her play gym for 10 minutes straight. And her fists provide hours of entertainment. When was the last time I was amused that easily?

4. To take time to stop & smell the roses-- It can be so easy to get caught up in all the "stuff" I have to get done, but when Leah's giggling and smiling up at my face, I can't help but stop to enjoy it because I know that she won't be this small much longer!

5. How to laugh-- See if you can not laugh when this little girl lets out a giggle.

6. Trust-- If her mommy is comfortable enough handing her to some random person, than that random person must be okay and she can smile at them.

7. Looking cute really can get you what you want. :)

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