* Sleeping- Her sleeping & eating schedule seems to have finally started to take place! She now sleeps all night, from about 8:30 or 9pm to around 5 am (then usually goes back to sleep until about 8). She takes a full 6 oz. bottle in the morning. She sleeps another 45 min. or so sometime between 10 & 11. Then she naps about 2 or 3 hours starting at 1. And another nap sometime early evening, around 5:30.
* Eating- She likes her bottle as soon as she wakes up and she finishes it off now rather than snacking most of the time, mostly thanks to a faster-flow nipple. Of course, we're traveling in 2 weeks & her whole schedule will probably be thrown off, but that's the fun of visiting family!
The doctor said we can start her on solids any time. We will probably wait till after Texas. Her high chair is set up & ready to go but she still is a little too small for it. She has sat with me while I'm eating and is always very interested in the process, even opening her mouth a little as if waiting for the food.
* Discoveries- She rolled over for the first time last Saturday, the 27th. This was after she'd had a really rough night with air in her tummy and cried for about an hour straight. The blown-up tummy might have helped her roll over, but she did do it about 3 times in a row, and she's done it once since, not to mention she even flipped over from front to back once yesterday! She's mobile now!
We caught it on video, too. It's not great quality, and there's no sound. This is actually the 2nd time she did it. You'll see it took almost the whole 30 sec. of video for her to actually get there. Press play.
- She is so talkative now! She makes all kinds of noises which I'm assuming is what she thinks are words, but of course it just sounds like strings of vowels to me. She sometimes sings to herself when she's in the car. She giggles when you kiss her on her face or swing her around (she's very adventurous!). It's the greatest sound in the world! She also craves for people to talk to her. She will start yammering to herself if there's no one around, and get louder & louder until someone pays attention to her.