I can hardly believe Leah is already 6 days old. These past few days have been hard, they've been exhilirating, they've been rocky, but also so rewarding! We've cried, we've laughed, we've passed out from sheer exhaustion. Mostly we're just surviving. Mom & Dad were a huge help while they were here, and I didn't have to even think about cleaning or cooking or anything but taking care of the baby. And that seems to be a full-time job already. I knew it would be a lot of work, but I never imagined I would have absolutely
no time for myself. By the time we get her changed & fed and back to sleep, there's only an hour and a half of rest before we have to do it all over again.
Breastfeeding is still really hard, and has been my biggest weakness emotionally. It is the only thing that has made me cry. I am persistent, but flexible. Many times she will wake up very fussy and hungry and get so upset that she just cannot latch on and stay on. She puts her hands in her mouth (a lot!-- I'm beginning to understand what was going on inside my womb when she was there-- she is a squirmy critter!), she sucks the wrong way (apparently something she learned wrong in the womb), she pulls back and just screams. We try and try and sometimes she'll catch on but sometimes I just get so frustrated and she just gets so frustrated that we give up and give her a bottle, just so she gets enough to eat. We've tried a device called an SNS, Starter Nursing System that has a little tube that attaches to the breast to give an extra source of milk flow, but only if she is latched on properly. At this point, I can use it with my own milk instead of formula like we were originally using, because my milk flow is fine, and I have been pumping regularly. I had an infection in one breast, and the nipple is slightly flat so she still has a really hard time with that side, but we are working on it.
I was almost ready to give up and go exclusively to bottlefeeding but I met with a lactation consultant at the pediatrician's office today and she was very encouraging. She said just to not let her give up. Just keep pushing her to take the breast. The milk doesn't come as fast as the bottle, and that is why she gets so frustrated, so she's offered me some solutions for that. Now I think I have the willpower to keep trying at this, even though it will be really hard. I am praying that 4 or 5 days from now, or maybe 2 weeks, she'll be a pro and nursing will be the least of my worries! Brett has been amazing, too. It takes more than 2 hands to nurse her at this point and he's given up his precious sleep, too, to help me, and will support me no matter what happens.
Thankfully, Leah sleeps very well. After feeding, she'll be in a state of quiet alert for up to 30 minutes and then she'll slowly drift off. Sometimes she can get really gassy, and that makes her fussy so we may have to pick her up and burp her several times before she actually falls to sleep, but usually once she does, she can sleep for a 3 or sometimes even 3.5 hour stretch. She really only cries when she's hungry or needs her diaper changed, which I'm thinking makes her a pretty easygoing baby! I don't think I've actually caught up on my sleep yet, but I know there will be time for that later!
The pediatrician gave her a good report, and was able to answer a lot of our questions. She lost 5 lbs. in the hospital, but has gained them all back as of today. She had a mild case of jaundice when she was born, but it seems to be going away and hasn't really affected much. She also was born with her foot slightly disfigured-- just bent improperly as if she was laying in the womb with it wedged in a rib or something (would make sense!) but she is optimistic that with daily stretching it will return to normal on its own. She has a blocked tear duct, making her eye really crusty but that is apparently common. There is nothing going on with her that is not normal for a baby her age. Which comforts me. And gives me hope that this is going to turn out to be fun after all.