Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 35

I can hardly believe I'm nearing the last month of my pregnancy. In some ways it's flown by, in other ways it's seeming to last forever. I never want to come across as complaining, because I know that #1- pregnancy is an enormous blessing from God that I would never want to take for granted, #2- I have had a really easy pregnancy so far and have nothing really even worth complaining about, and #3- I really have loved the whole journey. However, I'm now at the stage where it's getting to be uncomfortable. I don't sleep well, because I get so achy. It's hard to move around like I'm used to, even just get up from a sitting position, and really-- I'm just ready for my little girl to be here.

Work is getting to be a pain, really, just because it's hard to get up in the mornings, and also because I know I won't be coming back after the baby. I continually remind myself that God calls us to give our best wherever we are, and right now I am still an employee and still responsible to those I work for. Working during pregnancy really hasn't been so bad thus far. Since I work with a bunch of women, I'm well-cared for. I'm never allowed to move heavy things, I'm "reprimanded" if I seem to be working too hard, and I get lots of sympathy. People even bring me food! Now, though, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because it seems like I have so much I could be doing at home (even though it's really not as much as I think), yet I have to be at work all day.

I feel like, even though there are a few small items we still need, and even though I don't have a pediatrician yet, and even though I haven't packed a hospital bag, and even though we haven't completely finished organizing the nursery, and even though I'm still scared we won't be able to afford all that comes along with a new life, this baby could come any day and I would be perfectly okay with that. In fact, I'm sure none of that would even matter if she were here in my arms.

Thanks to my very best friend Elizabeth, we got the crib bedding this past weekend & now the crib is all made up & ready to go. (And I sincerely hope I can figure out how to put a clean sheet on that thing without having to take the whole bumper & everything off-- I wore myself out trying to put this all on!) The only thing left in the nursery is to stain a bookshelf & add a glider, and some decorations.

The princess' quarters

me @ 35 weeks, with the crib bedding

up close of the crib, minus baby

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