To My Little Girl,
We are so ready to finally meet you! For months now you have been working hard inside your mommy (with a little help from your Creator, of course) to develop all the little body parts, and organs, and character traits that will make you you. In just a few short weeks, you will be ready to come and work on all those things outside of your safe little bubble. Everyone is very excited to see who you will most resemble. If your personality outside the womb is anything like it is inside, then I can tell you'll be very active, very outgoing, and probably quite humorous, too. Maybe you'll have your daddy's sense of humor or his passion for the Word. Maybe you'll be organized and practical like your mommy. Or maybe you will be completely your own person!
Sometimes it's hard to believe that in just a few short days, you will be physically here in our arms. You have already become a part of my life, but it's in such a different way than you'll be in my life after you're born. You're always on my mind now, of course, but you are not quite tangible. I cannot physically hold or touch you, and it's hard to imagine that will be the case within a couple weeks. Your daddy and I were just saying the other day how it's difficult to imagine ourselves being "mommy" and "daddy." It's a concept we know we will embrace the moment you come screaming into this world, and I know we'll look back a month from now and not even remember what it was like to not be mommy and daddy.
You're starting to make it a little uncomfortable for me in there. And up to this point I've been completely at ease about delivering you into this world, but now that's its getting closer and becoming more of a reality, I'm starting to get a little scared. Mostly I'm still excited, because I want to see you and hold you and kiss you, and because I love a new challenge, a new adventure. But of course the new challenging adventure part and not knowing what to expect is also what terrifies me. So could you please come soon? I know you are enjoying your last few moments of comfy cozy development, but we're ready for you out here.
I hope you know how many people have already shown their love for you through gifts, time, and words of encouragement. Every day someone asks me how I'm doing, and of course they're really thinking of you and how you're doing. You have so many family and friends that have given so many gifts that mommy and daddy barely had to buy anything for you! We don't have much to offer you, really, in the way of fancy things or even talents or gifts. But hopefully you will feel the love that is here and has been for the past nine months.
We hope you'll feel the warmth and support of parents (and grandparents, and friends) who want nothing more for you than to know that though your life may not be easy, it may not be completely comfortable, but it will be filled with love and filled with hope. We hope you'll know how much we want you to be able to experience life to the fullest because it is filled with Christ's love and all the goodness that comes along with that. We hope you'll see that we always want the very best for you and will settle for nothing less.
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