Friday, June 13, 2008

Week 27

I can hardly believe I've reached the 3rd trimester. Though time went by pretty quickly up till now, now it seems to be dragging by. With all the preparations and purchases that have been going on, I'm really just ready to hold my little girl. I'm still not feeling huge yet, and still have energy, most of the time. The only pain I can complain of would still be the back pain.

Not much new going on. I am getting ready for two busy weeks at work, made more bearable with knowing I get to go to my first shower this weekend, and at the beach, nonetheless!

I do have one gripe: stop with the pitying Sabrina because it's 101 degrees outside and I must be even hotter because I'm pregnant! I honestly don't think that on those few days of 3-digit temps that I was any hotter than a non-pregnant person. And I chose to go sit out at that baseball game last weekend, knowing it would be hot. And it was fun. So don't feel sorry for me.

6/11/08- 27 weeks

1 comment:

Mrs. Katie Burford said...

Hey cute shirt lol where did you get it?