Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Andrew @ 14 Months

- Tooth #2 is finally making it's way in, next to the first one. Still no sign of any others, though. They're taking their sweet time!

- He can say "cookie" (although it really means anything you eat and he says it anytime he's in the kitchen), "mommy" (although usually he calls me "daddy"), "Elmo" (yes, it's happening again!), "ball," "all done," something that sounds like "hold you," and "doggie." It seems like he's talking all the time at home, now, although not as much around other people. He can also imitate a lot of sounds when he hears us say them.

- He's been waking up once or twice a night since we've been in the new house, but he'll easily go back to sleep if we just replace his paci. (I think it has more to do with teething/ not really feeling great than anything else.) Usually he will sleep until 6:15 or so, then maybe go back to sleep until around 6:45 or 7.

- He loves to walk now, and doesn't really like to be held at all. He is an explorer, always wanting to be outside or discovering new things.

- He's starting to love stuffed animals. He has a big stuffed tiger by the rocking chair in his room and as soon as he's done nursing in the morning, he will point to it and we'll snuggle with it in the chair for a few minutes. He really just loves to bury his head into them.

- He loves to eat-- anything. And he eats more than his sister does. I can't think of any food he doesn't like at this point. I usually fix him a plate just like Leah's and he does pretty well eating whatever it may be. He's still working on the spoon and fork, but he has a pretty good handle on it. One of his favorites now is yogurt-- he eats a whole cup & cries when it's gone. If he sees something he wants to eat, he will point his little finger or spoon like a magic wand and grunt until he gets some. I am still nursing him in the morning and at night before bed.

- He is definately Momma's boy. He generally prefers me over his Daddy. He has a very short attention span when it's time to play on his own before he wants me to hold him or give him another idea of something else to play.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snapshots of Our First Week

We're loving our new home, our new town, our new "normal life." We've still got boxes, we still haven't really established a routine, but we're getting there. We're living and we're making do. Here's some of what we've been up to.

Grandma was here the first few days in our new house. She was such a great help in keeping Leah & Andrew entertained!

Andrew loves to "help" Daddy with anything involving tools.

From my bedroom, I can see all the way out into the playroom and outside into the yard. I love this view! On this particular day, our neighbor was having some work done on his sidewalk and the kids loved watching the big cement truck do it's work!

Leah started her first week of preschool at home this week! You can read more about that HERE. I think she's having fun!

Andrew is getting into much more mischief now that he's walking all the time. He discovered the pantry and went and got out his own snacks. Although it was really funny, there's now a child-proof lock on the cabinet.

Even though it was dreadfully hot and there was a lot of bugs, we loved being able to walk to the park and spend some time outside!

Monday, September 12, 2011

School with Leah

This week is Leah's first week of "school"! Now, I know she's just barely 3, but honestly I'm bored of the lack of structure we have in our days, and the amount of TV we watch. Leah loves to read, loves to do crafts and work with her hands-- I know she will love to add more of that kind of thing to our day. At this point, I'm not going to pressure her to do much. I don't want school to become a chore, so she gets bored of school at a young age, but I want it to be fun. I have been doing a lot of research online and come up with a plan for the year (which I will hopefully be flexible to change) that will be a mixture of crafts, worksheets, games, puzzles, and play.

I debated about whether to start this week since we are still in the midst of boxes and unpacking, but I'm thinking that school can just be "something we do" here in this house. Everything is not as ready as I'd like it to be, but we can ease in slowly and add more things as we go along.

I will be starting a new blog just for school-related things, since most people who read this blog really won't be interested in that (mostly the new blog will be just for me, anyway, I don't really expect a lot of people to read it at this point, since I would hardly consider myself an expert at education!). You can read my post about my Preschool plan here. I am also working on posts about why I've chosen to homeschool, the style of learning we've looked at, and a couple other things. I'll occasionally link up to that blog here, but mostly I'll leave school stuff there.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our New Home

We’ve officially been residents of Newton Grove for 5 days now, and, as of 11am this morning, we are no longer homeowners. Though it’s been mostly survival mode as we unpack and get rid of boxes, we have had some time to spend as a family, cherishing the beginning of this new adventure in front of us. Brett and I celebrated the closing today with breakfast at IHOP. We had to sign only 2 or 3 papers (besides the huge check, of course) and our first home was no longer ours’. We left behind all the bad memories and took with us the good. I think we are both too excited about what lies ahead to feel sad about what’s left behind. We did stop by the house one more time and as we drove out of Raleigh, we realized it really hasn’t been our home for awhile, because our hearts have been here in Newton Grove since we started here.

Moving has been stressful but really not half as bad as it could have been if we didn’t have the help and support we had. We were able to load everything up Saturday in about 5 hours, including the entire contents of the PackRat storage unit we’d rented while we were showing the house. It all fit into a 17-foot U-Haul, 3 trucks, and 2 cars. Mom and Dad came Friday to help, then Saturday BJ, Steve, his son Chris, and the owner of our new home (and a church deacon) Thomas also came to help. We were loaded up by lunchtime and after the drive to the new place, the entire deacon board began showing up to help unload. It took only about an hour, maybe two to unload with all the help we had!

Of course then began the long process of determining what goes where, getting bills and utilities set up at our new address, and figuring out life in a new city. Our new place has more square feet—more room for many things, but not quite as much storage space as we were used to. As we’ve been unloading, though, we’re finding creative places for everything, and though we’ll still need a few creative storage outlets, it’s working out well and we feel like we’ve gotten a great deal with this place!

My mom stayed from last Thursday until today and we owe her much thanks for all the boxes she helped unpack, for watching the kids while we moved (and especially today while we went to the closing), and for just keeping us sane as we sorted through our piles of rubble the past few days! The kids have been adjusting incredibly well! Leah had a couple really whiny days, but we’re offering her grace as her sleeping schedule has been a little off (she hasn’t had a nap since we’ve been here) and of course nothing is the same as what she’s used to). Andrew has also been somewhat whiny, but he’s also not feeling well and probably getting in another tooth. The first night, the bedtime routine was tricky and both of them took about 45 minutes to settle in, but they slept through the night. Since then, bedtime has been a breeze, but they both wake up once or twice a night. Surprisingly, though, both of them have done so well and don’t even seem to mind that life as they knew it is completely different!

We loved having a 2 minute drive to church on Sunday, and I know I will love having Brett home earlier in the evenings! Right now he’s still having to commute to Raleigh for his other job, as he will put in his two-weeks’ notice tomorrow. By October 1st, he will be full-time and we will begin our new normal.

Here’s the new place! It’s less than a mile from the church. (It’s also less than a mile from just about everything else in Newton Grove! We’re within walking distance from the library, park, and Food Lion.)

Though we are so close to the actual town part of Newton Grove, it’s all country. We are across the street from “Hog Slat.” Not sure exactly what they do, but they are quite a busy place of business!

Here’s a peek inside at some of the rooms. The house is basically set up to where you can go around in a big circle. When you come in the back door, you enter the sunroom, which as of yesterday, is air-conditioned, and is now our official playroom! (We are in major need of some shelving, but that will come soon enough. For now the toys will just have to stay unorganized.) I am probably the most excited about having this room, as opposed to toys being all over our living room. The kids can just go and play on their own and they have easy access to all their toys. So far they are really enjoying their own area and have already been watching much less TV! Our washer & dryer (new ones, I might add) are in here, as well, and soon we'll have shelving on the wall above them.

The playroom leads directly into Leah’s room, which is actually intended to be a den. It’s slightly inconvenient since you do have to go through her room to get into the house if you use the back door, but it’s working out really well as a bedroom and all the doors can still be shut off from the rest of the house. (And we can always go around the front of the house if we need something in the playroom.) Her room is completely finished, even down to the wall decorations. (Well, we still have some storage space we can fill in her “entertainment center”.) The room doesn’t have a closet, but Andrew’s is really large and we’re using his right now for her clothes until we can get her some type of armoire.

Go down the hall and you pass Andrew’s room, which is also completely unpacked even down to the curtains. I really love his room and the kids have loved playing in there already too!

Keep going and you pass the bathroom. We have downgraded to only one bathroom, but it’s a very big bathroom, and we really don’t need more than one at this point. Right now there is a big empty space behind the cabinet where the washing machine used to be kept. Now that we keep ours in the sunroom with the dryer, our landlord is going to put a new sink & cabinet there, about which we are very excited!

Then you come to our room at the end of the hall. Our room still needs a lot of work, as we are trying to find creative places for our craft supplies, books, and paperwork. We again lost some closet space here (we got spoiled by our walk-in), but we do have 2 closets that are decent sized and we’re hoping to get another desk for our extra things.

Go back into the hall, through a door and to the right you enter the living room, which is huge. It still has a lot of work right now, too, as we have to paint our bookcase, but we have the basic arrangement for our furniture, and we have made room for our desk! We haven’t spent a lot of time in this room yet, because our TV won’t be set up until next Tuesday, but we are looking forward to lots of family time.

To the other side of the front door is the formal dining room. It also still requires some work right now because it seemed to be a great out-of-the-way place to put boxes. But we’ve already enjoyed many meals at our table, and we love the natural light that comes in.

The dining room leads straight into the kitchen, which has a small eat-in area, in which we hope to eventually put another table. The kitchen is arranged quite differently from what I’m used to (we don’t even have a microwave yet), but I’m getting used to it and we’ve made some creative use of the cabinet space. I think there is actually more cabinet space, but they are designed in such a way that they don’t fit things the way I’d really like. But it’s working out and I’m so happy to have a good cooking area.

That brings you back around to Leah’s room and the back entrance.
We do have a great big backyard, too which I don't have a picture of yet, and right now there seems to be too many gnats/ mosquitoes to play out there a lot, but once cooler weather hits and we can get some outdoor seating, we'll be out there a lot! We are settling in well and so excited to see what is in store for our future!

Monday, August 29, 2011

To My 3-Year-old on Her Birthday


I can't believe how big you're getting and how smart! Could it really be three whole years ago that you were so tiny you looked swallowed up in everything you wore? Now you're running around, jumping up and down, talking in complete sentences, singing your ABC's, "reading" your books, making up your own songs, and using the potty like a big girl (sometimes)!

Last year on your birthday you were all about Elmo and Sesame Street, now you are completely a princess! You love princesses and all things related. I love how you get so excited about wearing a "pretty dress" every Sunday to church, and how you can't wait to go show Daddy you're a "princess", and you go up to everyone at church and hold out your dress for them to see. I love how you twirl around and beg Daddy or me to dance with you when you put on a pretty dress (I'm reminded every time I turn you down that you're not going to want to do that for long!). You get so excited about any book, toy, picture, or clothing item with a Princess on it. The only books we can ever get from the library are either Princess books or Dora (I think you must consider Dora one of the Princesses). You truly are our little princess.

And yet you're not afraid to get into the dirt, either. You love going to the "zoo-meum" (the Science Museum), and you're not afraid to touch the bugs, turtles, or snakes they have. You love to dig in the dirt in the yard or in the sandbox. You don't seem at all worried you will get dirty or mess up your clothes. Some of your other favorite things to do are go to the mall play area, any store with toys, go to the library, and watch cartoons on PBS (I like that you can be entertained by TV and seem to learn a lot from those cartoons, although sometimes I wish we didn't watch so much!). You love to listen to music and dance in your room. You love to play dress up and pack things into your purses. You always keep a stack of books on your bed, and they come with you downstairs in the morning and in the car when we go anywhere (along with your trusty blanket, Elmo, and stuffed cat).

Leah, you have such a fun sense of humor. I love your giggles, especially the contagious ones that make your brother and everyone else giggle, too. And you always seem to "get it" when I make a joke about something. Besides that, you are such an inquisitive little girl! Though you haven't quite gotten to the "why" stage, you ask anything and everything else! "What's she's name?" "What he's doing?" "What're you eating?" "What that is?" All day long you want to know what things are and how they work. I love how you love to read and love to learn.

You are definately your Daddy's girl. When he's home, you want to be wherever he is. You always want him to hold you or play with you or dance with you. Lucky for me, though, I still get you when he's at work! I'm so glad you still love to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. I love it when you come to me with your blanket and say "I want to hold you." It reminds me you're still my little girl.

Though you hate when Andrew is playing with toys you want, we can tell that you love your little brother, and it melts me everytime I see you reading a book to him, singing him a song, holding his hand in the car or the stroller, getting him his cup or paci, or just teaching him something you know. You're always getting into mischief together, and my prayer is that the two of you will be so close when you grow out of the "all the toys are mine" stage!

You already have such a heart for things of the Lord. You always remind us to pray before we eat, and have just recently started praying on your own out loud. You love to sing hymns we've taught you and totally adore going to church (although that might be more because your friends are there, but at least that means you have good friends). I can't wait for the day you accept Him as your Savior. Thank you for keeping me laughing and keeping me on my feet all the time-- I'm looking forward to watching you grow.

Love, Your Mommy

My Favorite Pics of Leah's 2nd Year:

Leah's 3-Year-Old Princess Party

We celebrated Leah's 3rd birthday with an intimate, laid-back little party at home yesterday, just our little family. Amidst the move and all that's going on lately, it was a great & much-needed family day!

The day started with cinnamon rolls for breakfast before church. (Of course Leah is already donning her princess nightgown and sippy cup.)

She is a cheeser for the camera! Anytime we told her we wanted to take her picture, she would say "Cheese!!" really loudly with a huge grin. Here she is after lunch-- her choice: hot dogs with macaroni & cheese.

Then Daddy took Leah for a special date to the "new" mall. (It's actually not new at all, but it's one I took her to for the first time the other day & they have a much better play area than the one we normally go to, plus, they got to ride a little train!) While they were gone, I decorated the house for a princess party.

She looked so grown up when they got back, with her little purse, the crown & tutu (which she did, in fact, wear all afternoon, even at the mall), and the smoothie Daddy had gotten her.

We had to open presents first. And it was a whirlwind race to the finish. She ripped each one, exclaimed over what it was, then moved on to the next. (She did play with each one individually later, though-- she just had to get through the wrapping paper.)

Well, okay, she did stop a second to look through the book of Pretty Princess puzzles.

Then it was time for cupcakes! She was not as intimidated by the candles this year (and probably because it was just the four of us) and blew them all out in one blow. She even sang the Happy Birthday song along with us.

And she ate 2 cupcakes. (Well, the frosting off of 2 cupcakes.) Because you only turn 3 once.

And the little brother greatly enjoyed his cupcake as well.

After cake it was time to play with her new stuff! She loved her new dress-up clothes and made an interesting ensemble.

She got a set of Cinderella figures and made up some interesting stories for them to act out.

Leah was so happy all day long-- she got to do all her favorite things and be around the people she loves the most (including her friends at church in the morning). I felt a little guilty at first that her party wasn't nearly as big as Andrew's, but she's had 2 big parties already, and sometimes simple is better. I don't think she'll care 20 years from now that she didn't have a lot of decorations or any friends at her party. I just hope she remembers how much love we all felt being together to celebrate her little life.

And here's a little video from the day: