Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snapshots of Our First Week

We're loving our new home, our new town, our new "normal life." We've still got boxes, we still haven't really established a routine, but we're getting there. We're living and we're making do. Here's some of what we've been up to.

Grandma was here the first few days in our new house. She was such a great help in keeping Leah & Andrew entertained!

Andrew loves to "help" Daddy with anything involving tools.

From my bedroom, I can see all the way out into the playroom and outside into the yard. I love this view! On this particular day, our neighbor was having some work done on his sidewalk and the kids loved watching the big cement truck do it's work!

Leah started her first week of preschool at home this week! You can read more about that HERE. I think she's having fun!

Andrew is getting into much more mischief now that he's walking all the time. He discovered the pantry and went and got out his own snacks. Although it was really funny, there's now a child-proof lock on the cabinet.

Even though it was dreadfully hot and there was a lot of bugs, we loved being able to walk to the park and spend some time outside!

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