Friday, September 6, 2019

1st Day of School 2019-20

I am so excited to be starting our 8th year of homeschooling! Wow, we have come a long way since the days of a preschooler and a toddler. This year we tackle middle school! What an exciting adventure we have to look forward to. The kids always talk about how they wouldn't like to go to public school and they're glad they get to have free time at home and learn what they want to learn.

This year we'll be studying Ancient History as a family, and I found a wonderful curriculum that incorporates the Bible into history, so we can see how the Old Testament world weaves into the world of Ancient Egyptians and Greeks and how God was at work throughout all time. We will also incorporate good quality classic literature from the time period, and even try some book discussions and reading comprehension this year. I even hope to incorporate science into our history studies, learning about scientific discoveries in the order they were discovered in history. I am excited to learn right alongside these kids this year!

Leah has been doing Latin for two years and now Andrew will start his Latin studies. It has been so helpful for learning English grammar and a great jumping-off place for other languages. Andrew will also work on his writing skills this year.

Abigail will be concentrating mostly on learning to read this year, as she's still not able to do much on her own. I hope to work with her a little every day, reading simple decodable books so she can become more fluent. She is already great at math, and enjoys writing, so we will add in a little basic grammar and probably some reading comprehension, but primarily focus on learning to read!

And this little guy started two-day-a week public school preschool today, at the same school Abi went to as a preschooler (although the teachers are different). He went in boldly and confidently, with no tears, and though he didn't tell me much about his day, he seemed to like it. He loves to do coloring and sorting and things at home and plays really well independently while we are doing schoolwork, so I'll be slowly introducing some preschool concepts to him when he's home. He is super smart and an eager learner.

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