September has brought cooler weather, but not too cool to still enjoy being outside. It's been a really busy month!!
First we had our annual Fall Festival at church. The bounce house is always a hit, plus cotton candy, games, and fun.
Abi had her first sleepover the night before the Fall Festival, with Bailey, a girl she went to preschool with. She lives literally next door, so we figured it would be a great first sleepover, since it would be easy to come home. She did great and loved it! She even brought Bailey to Fall Festival.
Jacob didn't really like the cotton candy, but he still really wanted to have some, and he didn't understand why it kept disappearing. He carried it like this until it all disintegrated away, and then had a tantrum because "someone ate his cotton candy."
We took a little hike as a family on a path behind our house just to see where it would lead us. We walked through a huge open field to two trees we always see from our living room window. It was a fun adventure.
We went to a friend's birthday party at a corn maze. We didn't make it all the way through the maze, but we had fun trying, and we also enjoyed the corn box and the hay ride.
More fall fun to come!