Friday, July 20, 2018

Summer Fun in July

July has kept us super busy with soaking up as much summer fun as possible! The kids would love to go to the playground every day if they could! One day at one of our favorite parks, I took a chance to get some good shots of the kids in their natural element! Jacob, ever the two-year-old, rarely poses for photos-- but check this out!

Another summer favorite activity is the library story time and activities. We go to two different libraries-- one smaller, where they have almost daily activities for school-age kids, and another larger, where there is a better selection of books. Both have summer reading programs with prizes for reading certain amounts of books. We're reading almost every day anyway so why not get treats for doing it?

We were too busy and somehow missed strawberry-picking this year, but made it in time to do some cherry picking. The kids loved the cherries fresh from the trees, but we didn't know what else to do with them beyond just eating them!

We also celebrated the wedding of a couple from our small group at church. The kids always love a chance to get together with their friends and party!

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