Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jacob's 2nd Birthday

My little baby boy somehow turned two. This kid has been through more than any kid should have gone through, but he is tough, and he is one of the funniest and most easygoing little boys I've seen. Here are some fun facts about Jacob at two:

* He really doesn't eat. He is super picky. He likes meat, and of course he likes sweets. He always eats good at breakfast. But there is not a single fruit or vegetable he will eat on its own. He may eat them mixed into something like a casserole, but most of the time even that will only be a bite or two. He loves his juice. And the pulmonary dr. said it would make sense for him to be thirsty a lot with the way his throat is at this point. But he wants juice ALL THE TIME. Which is probably why he doesn't eat much. But who can say no to this face?

* He is officially in a big boy bed now. Andrew and Jacob recently got bunk beds for their room. The transition was smoother than we could have ever imagined. The first night he got out of bed once, cried less than five minutes after we put him back in, then went to sleep all night. Naptime was just as smooth. He will get up in the morning and play with Andrew but he knows not to come out of the room. Even after nap time he'll play by himself until I come get him. He is such an easy little guy!

* He still rocks that cheese grin! He was full of them on his birthday! He uses it to get all sorts of things he wants. He now refers to himself in the first person all the time. "Jacob's cup," "Jacob's juice," "Jacob's plate..." And if he doesn't know what something is called, it is "that", as in "Jacob's that." 

* He loves to play with little cars, and I love seeing his little chubby hands drive his cars around on the floor or in the bath. He usually carries one with him wherever he goes. And he loves seeing or hearing cars outside. He also loves to play with dinosaurs and now he's finally into books as well, flipping the pages and pointing at things he likes. 

* He was walking around on his birthday singing "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" all day long. There are days when I wonder if he hears as well as he should, especially since it was determined that his adenoids are gigantic (like Abi's were when she was consistently failing hearing tests), but then he goes and says complete sentences that are fairly clear. He has A LOT of words and amazes me with the new ones he learns every day. Some other favorites are: "toffee" for coffee and "pobby" for "potty". 

* (Look at his tongue sticking out when he's concentrating in this picture!) He always wants to be held (which I will take as long as I can get it), as long as we're not outside or at the playground, at which point if I call him to tell him its time to go he will run away from me as far as possible and cover his eyes to hide. "Hold me" always comes out as "holdy" when he says it!

* (This fire truck was a gift from Grandma & Grandpa. He loved it, and so did his brother & sisters, who always want to play in there with him.) I thought he would turn out to be a super mischievous kid and get into all sorts of trouble, but he's really very compliant and very sweet. He understands when you ask him to do certain things, like throw something away, he can put his own cup and dish on the counter when he's done, and he never whines about going to bed. He really doesn't cry much at all, unless he wants to be held. 

He does get into a little trouble with this guy. This is his buddy Woody, from church. He always asks for him when he gets in the nursery, and Woody talks about him at home, as well. His big sister is best friends with Leah. What a blessing for him to have such a good friend at such a young age. Even if they are constantly fighting over toys, they are also hilarious when they're together!

One year ago, shortly after his birthday was when we first found out about his seizures. I can still remember that day so clearly, walking in to the hospital room filled with doctors, one who was a neurosurgeon and one who was an oncologist. And then six months later he had surgery to remove the tumor that was causing the seizures. This past Monday we went back for a follow-up MRI. We don't have any results yet, but look how far we've come since that day. I don't expect any negative results. He is one tough little guy, already going through more medical procedures than I have in my life. We are so thankful for what God has done for him and how he continues to amaze us with his health and his growth.  He's always smiling (even when he's in the hospital, like below) and always happy.

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