The kids were up by 7 and ready to go, but we are mean and make them stay in their rooms until we're ready. It wasn't too long to wait, though, and we were done unwrapping everything in about an hour.
Jacob really did not care at all about unwrapping new gifts. He was a little unsure about all the stuff going on and had to sit with Brett in order to get into doing anything. After one or two gifts, he kept saying "I don't need this!" and pushing it aside. He played most of the day with toys he already owned. I think it was just a little overwhelming for him. His Santa gift was a big set of blocks because he loves to build "tall towers".
Abi is usually one of the harder ones to buy for because she doesn't have any really particular likes. She did request a stuffed puppy that could walk and do stuff, so she got this one that really "poops." She loves him! She also got a fairy playset with a toy unicorn.
This is the first year that Leah knows the truth about Santa, and it was really a lot of fun. She did a great job at keeping it up for her brothers & sister and still made a list for Santa, too. She is really into horses this year and got a horse for her Barbies to ride. She also got another Journey Girl (American Girl knock-off) doll this year, which was actually something we had bought for Abi a long time ago and decided she wasn't ready for it yet. She was soo surprised. And I think she appreciates them even more now that she knows we bought them and not Santa. She now has 3 dolls and loves to play with them!
Andrew is into Power Rangers and dragons and superheros and the XBox. He got an XBox Game from Santa and a Power Rangers glove and mask from Daddy.
Brett bought us a window seat which also serves as a storage box for our shoes by the door to the house. Everyone loves to sit on it, and Jacob has other ideas!
Aunt Karen sent the three older kids Hatchimals, which are apparently a hot item this year although I would have never spent the money on them. They each got twins, which hatched from their eggs and grew from babies to toddlers to kids all on the same day. The twins talk to each other and play little "games." The hatching and growing part was rather anti-climatic, though.
Jacob also enjoyed playing with Andrew's toys. He got a toy dragon that walks and makes noise. He got a dinosaur last year. Now they can fight each other. Or Jacob can ask me to get them for him to play with EVERY TIME WE GO IN HIS ROOM. He also wanted to play with the PlayDoh he got in his stocking.
We got several family games to play together. A church friend bought Andrew a basketball shooting game. We also got a chess set, Stratego (which Andrew LOVES to play with Daddy), and Kerplunk.
We had a white Christmas this year! Maybe the first one since we've been in Vermont. The snow plow made a huge sledding hill at the top of our already existing hill, so the kids had a blast playing outside Christmas afternoon.
I even convinced Jacob to go out and this time he wore his mittens, so once I got him to ride the sled down the hill with me, he didn't want to stop! No sooner would we reach the bottom before he would say "again!" and start back up the hill even without me. We must have gone a dozen times before I carried him kicking & screaming back into the house.