Friday, July 22, 2016

Jacob @ 10 Months

At 10 months, Jacob is no longer my squishy, snuggly baby but an active, curious little boy who loves to explore, get into mischief, and of course EAT. Though to everyone else it may seem like he's always smiling and happy, at home if he's not entertained, he is whining. He can play fine on his own for awhile as long as he doesn't see me. If he does, I have to pick him up-- he loves attention.

He really is a good boy, though, and sleeps well. He is napping twice a day still and barely waking up at night at all. He doesn't care much for boring baby toys but would rather have the big kids' toys, or things that aren't toys at all-- like electrical cords or water bottles or spoons.

He doesn't care for being in the stroller at all, for some reason, but doesn't mind being in the car. He likes to go places and is usually content on longer car rides.

He recently began refusing to eat baby food or anything I try to feed him from a spoon. He only wants to feed himself. I can maybe get 2 or 3 bites in, but then he starts pushing the spoon away. So every meal I have to find bite-sized food he can gum, because he still doesn't have a single tooth. So far he loves pancakes, Cheerios, mac & cheese, and bananas. He will taste anything I put on his tray, but he may make a hilarious face & spit it out if he doesn't like it. He is usually content quite a while in his high chair as long as he has something to eat. He also still nurses about 4 or 5 times a day. 

This little guy has given us quite a few scares with all his breathing issues and trips to the ER, but he seems to be developing perfectly normally and is a fun-loving perfect addition to our little family.

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