Sunday, May 29, 2016

AWANA Awards

My 3 big kids all had an amazing year this year in our AWANA program at church. This was the 2nd year we've done it and they absolutely love going.

Though we weren't sure at all how Abigail would do, and she got off to a slow start, she caught up and completely finished her whole Cubbies book. This was about 22 verses! For a little girl who started the year out barely able to put a whole sentence together, this is a huge accomplishment. She had to work really hard to remember even the short phrases she was assigned, but she was always so excited when she got a little apple patch on her vest.

Andrew also finished his first year Sparks book, and even went back through the review verses, finishing half the book twice! This was 36 verses, more than one time each! He loves game time the most at AWANA.

And then there was Leah. Since she started Sparks in 1st grade, she had to finish 3 books in 2 years if she wanted to complete all the Sparks materials. And she did it. In all 3 books, there are 150 total verses to memorize. So this year alone she probably memorized 90. And she can still tell you them now. She really retains them. I don't know how she does it, but she is very self-motivated and loves to be able to pass off her verses each week. She got a nice plaque for finishing all 3 books. And you can see how proud she felt.

I have enjoyed being the AWANA Commander and seeing the excitement on these kids faces as they learn new verses and grow in the Word of God. For a small rural church of our size, this is a huge group of faithful kids we have, and I'm amazed at how God works through this program.

Of course, ice cream is required to celebrate any kids' accomplishments! This is Andrew with his new friend Colby that has recently started coming to church.

And this is just a fun extra of Abi actually holding a puppy after the Awards Ceremony. This kid has notoriously been afraid of any dog, big or small, so she has come a long way in the past year.

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