Saturday, October 24, 2015

Jacob @ 1 month

Hard to believe it's already been a month since this little (big) guy came into our lives! We've been gone on vacation or out of a routine for more than half his little life and he's not even sure what "normal" is like. He's growing ridiculously fast-- already up to 11 lbs., 3 oz. (which is really close to what Andrew was at his age, actually) and 22.5 inches long. He nurses like a champion-- still every 2 or 3 hours during the day, but only 10 minutes or so each time.

He sleeps very well, too. Though he has started the same grunting and squirming that is typical of all my children, he doesn't do it much at night. He will usually sleep from about 9 until 12 or 1 in the morning, and then another 3 or 4 hour stretch after that. He eats and goes right back to sleep within 20 minutes of waking up. I don't have to sit up with him on the couch, or put him in his swing-- I can put him in his bassinet (on his tummy-- also the preferred position of all my other kids!) and he goes back to sleep. He may grunt and grumble a little around 6 or 7 in the morning but he rarely cries to wake me up.

He is adored by his brother and sisters, who constantly want to hold him or kiss his face. They love to be near him and can't stand to hear him cry. They will immediately run to his side. They have really started to adjust to life with him in it and things are getting back to usual, with school and daily activities. It's still a challenge to get out and about with 4 kids (and will be even harder once the snow comes, I'm sure!), but it's a necessary evil, and I wouldn't change it.

I just love his little smile. It's not frequent, but it's always when Mommy or Daddy are talking to him. He's generally an easygoing little guy and, although he likes to be held, especially when I'm trying to cook dinner or eat, he rarely gets upset. His favorite playtime by far is on his tummy. He only tolerates his swing a few minutes-- it too closely resembles his car seat, of which is never a fan unless it is actually in the moving car. 

The doctor told us at his recent appointment that he may have a condition called tracheomalecia. He has always had issues with noisy breathing, gasping for air when he eats. It doesn't seem to bother him, but it is a little disturbing to hear. He isn't quite as noisy when he's on his tummy, but it's a little louder when he's on his back. So the doctor said it may be a softened trachea. It is something that really doesn't affect him much and will eventually correct itself as he gets older. Right now, it's not an official diagnosis and there isn't much we can do except monitor his breathing, but it's still good to know that his noisy breathing may have a specific name.

I think everyone should have more than 2 children, because by the third and fourth, you understand how quickly this newborn phase passes and you appreciate it more. With Leah and even Andrew, I just wanted them to hurry up and grow up already! But now, I know he will and I will greatly miss these late night snuggles and sweet little baby sounds and smells.

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