Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leah's Dance Recital

Leah has been practicing ballet and tap for 3 years now. Last year she missed the recital since we were in transition from NC to Vermont, but this year we got to see the fruits of all her efforts. I have loved the studio we chose here in VT for her lessons. They are easygoing and laid back but also very structured in their teaching and make them work hard. She was put in the beginner class at the beginning of the year because she had never taken lessons with this particular teacher and didn't know her style, positions, etc. and at first I thought it would take her back a level, but actually I think it was right where she needed to be and I believe she really excelled. She really seemed to be one of the more dedicated in the class and really was able to imitate the teacher's techniques. Her teacher was a little more experienced than the one in NC and Leah really liked her. I am hoping she continues to enjoy dancing because I feel that she really has a propensity to do well and become a great dancer.

We took a few pictures outside before we left in her costume. She had one costume from which the skirt could be removed to make a second costume, thus saving money on an extra costume. The skirt was on for the ballet portion.

I was so proud of the bun I made in her hair-- it turned out so well and stayed tight all day long. After the last recital which didn't turn out well at all, I looked it up online how to make a good one. And as it turns out, her teacher at this studio didn't really care quite as much whether her hair looked perfect in a bun.

She looked so grown up! I kept having flashbacks to the day she was born and she was just so tiny and now she is this beautiful young lady. (It's probably a good thing I won't have extra pregnancy hormones on her wedding day.)

I got this shot of the tap dance part of her costume backstage before the show started (minus the tap shoes, of course).

It's pretty hard to get good shots during the show from far away while also trying to actually watch the show and get a video and not use a flash, but you can get an idea. She is right in the center of the girls.

Of course, most of the time the girls were looking to their teacher on the sideline for direction, even though when I saw them practice these dances in class, they nailed them! Leah said she felt really good about the tap part but then couldn't remember a lot of the ballet song and couldn't see the teacher well. None of them seemed to have stage fright and even though it didn't look professional, they looked like they were enjoying themselves.

They actually had two identical shows, due to the size of the auditorium. So they performed at both 2:00 and 5:00. I went to both shows, but Brett, Andrew & Abi only came to the 2nd show (which I had to explain to Leah at least 3 times-- she kept thinking Daddy missed her show!). Between shows they had a little down time, since it was only about an hour long. Leah and some of her friends from class ran around outside (in their $75 costumes with moms hovering to be sure there were no rips or dirt stains!).

The 2nd show was just as good as the first and Andrew and Abi sat mesmerized the whole time. There was enough action for them to stay entertained.

In the finale they all got to come back out on stage and take their bows.

They were not professionally taping the show, so we were allowed to do our own video. So here is the tap song from the 2nd show:

And here is the ballet song, in two parts because I accidentally hit the wrong button on my phone.

And a portion of the finale, from the 1st show. (The girl that walks out in the red jacket after Leah's class takes their bow is her teacher, Miss Caitlin.)

And of course the best part is flowers from Daddy, and a trip to McDonalds for dinner afterwards ('cause we're classy like that!).

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