Monday, December 15, 2014

More Snow and an Igloo

This past week we experienced our first big Vermont snowstorm. It snowed about 3 days in a row—I’m not sure how much accumulated, but it was enough to cover most of the way up to my knees when I walked in it. Though they are pretty good about plowing the roads, we didn’t try to make it to school on our usual school day, since it’s about an hour drive and there was still some lingering ice and slippery spots. We did make it to town for groceries, though, and then came home and a friend from church, a native Vermonter, helped us build an igloo in our own yard. It was so much fun! Another couple stopped by (the guy who comes and plows our driveway every time it snows) and ended up helping some too. Here is the whole building crew.


The kids started out by using a small bucket to make the bricks but then we got a bigger laundry basket and had it all put together within a couple hours. Leah and Andrew—while not really too helpful in the actual building process—got along so well the entire time and kept us all laughing with their antics in the snow. (Abigail was asleep most of the time but did come out and get in it with us once it was done. I think we only convinced her to get in the snow because she got to wear her snowpants and boots—she’s a bit of a fashion diva!)


This gives you an idea of how tall it is. Brett can stand up inside without ducking much.


Inside is actually pretty warm, and very quiet. Apparently this will last most of the rest of the winter—it’s that sturdy! Andrew was loving licking the snow!

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See, Abigail is actually smiling in the snow!


That was a really fun day, and so worth missing school for! Here are some other pictures from our drive to town. The snow really is so pretty!


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