This little girl gives us a run for our money. She is by far the most mischievous kid we’ve had and gets into everything! She is silly and loves to explore and test her limits, yet she’s cuddly and super sweet when it’s time for bed and very much Mommy’s girl. She will grab on to my legs so I can’t walk unless I pick her up. She cries for a few seconds when I drop her off anywhere or leave her with someone, but then usually she’s fine. She still continues to be the best sleeper and goes to bed without any fuss. She will only let me cuddle her when we get in her rocker in her room at bedtime but its those times I cherish!
She often sleeps in well past her siblings and then is ready to sleep again by 11. Usually I push her to stay awake until after lunch, then she takes a good 2-3 hour nap. She still loves her bottle when she wakes up, although I really hope to get her off that. She does know how to drink milk from a cup, she just loves the security of that bottle. She’ll even go into the cabinet, pull out a bottle, hand it to me and grunt, apparently meaning I’m supposed to get her more milk in it.
Her favorite thing is probably climbing up on chairs. Also remote controls and phones. She’s starting to get interested in dolls and feeding them, but mostly she loves to throw them out of her crib. She LOVES to scribble, but mostly she just loves to take the tops on and off of markers and then color on her skin or clothes. She loves books and being read to, but only if they’re short. She loves to be sung to and is starting to “sing along” some by making sounds when we do. She knows how to give kisses, complete with a kissing sound. School with Leah and Andrew has been challenging lately because I’m constantly having to stop her from pulling things out of the closets or books off the shelf. When she’s awake, she’s awake and not easily entertained by playing on her own.
At her most recent doctor’s visit, she weighed 19 lbs., 6 oz. (the 10th%) and was 32 inches long (54th%). She eats really well but is getting pickier about vegetables and certain meats. And if she doesn’t like something, she will spit it out—you can’t make her eat anything. She still doesn’t say many words, and though the doctor wasn’t too concerned, Leah and Andrew were talking a lot more by her age. I know she definately understands everything I say and understands when I ask her to do things like, “put your clothes in the basket,” or “go throw this away,” or “It’s time to go take a bath…” (She even starts pulling at her shirt and taking her pants off when I tell her that!) She does finally say Mommy and Daddy and also has words that sound like Leah and Andrew. She has words that sound like milk and doggy but mostly she just points and grunts. I know she is taking everything in and will probably start speaking in complete sentences but right now I guess she gets what she wants without words. She can point to all her major body parts and can usually recognize several different animals in a book if I name them.
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