Tuesday, July 16, 2013

VBS 2013


Our church’s Vacation Bible School theme this year was Colossal Coaster World—facing fears, trusting God. The kids had a lot of fun!

The first night happened to be the same night as the community 4th of July event. Naturally it went along well with our amusement park theme. So the kids made a sparkler pen & did sparklers outside.

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Andrew’s & Leah’s favorite part was probably the music. They loved the upbeat songs, and they were definitely catchy enough to get stuck in your head. They’re still singing them a week later. Their preschool class was the biggest of all the classes- average of 14 kids a night!

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Abigail was in a class all by herself. She got extra special attention from Ms. Brenda. She did so well for being so late at night! She loved all the activity.

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We all took our picture in the roller coaster.

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Andrew has been acting very “3” lately and didn’t always act as good as he could have, little stinker. He does better when I’m not with him, actually. He also has a new thing where he says he didn’t have fun even though he clearly did.

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I taught the 1st-2nd grade kids and I couldn’t have asked for a better group. There were just 4 in my class and they were pretty well-behaved and listened well. I enjoyed that age! Our presentation the last night went really well. The kids sang their songs loudly and recited their memory verse & motto for the week. Leah even got to show off one of the crafts she made.



I know these are the memories the kids will look back on fondly when they grow up!

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