Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!


Warmer weather is finally here & these Cody kids have been spending lots of time outside! Last Friday, we took a trip to Raleigh to one of our old favorite parks, Pullen Park. The kids love the train and this time they even got brave enough to ride the Kiddie Boats.




We explored the Caboose.

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And this sassy little girl loved the swing.


There were some cool bucket swings, too.



Then a couple days ago we decided to try our hand at flying kites. We have a pretty big field right next to our house & a little path that leads right there. It wasn’t particularly windy that day and the kites spent most of the time on the ground, but they did get them up a couple times—they just had to remember to keep running in order to keep them up!



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One day we had a picnic outside.

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And the kids “helped” me wash the car, too.


And, your extra dose of spring cuteness:


Monday, April 15, 2013

Visit to Grandma & Grandpa’s


Last weekend Daddy went out of town on a mission trip so the kids and I packed up and went to Grandma’s house! We didn’t do much, but it was nice to have company and a change of scenery. We even got to celebrate Grandma’s birthday while we were there. We decorated signs, made cake, and went out for ice cream!




Saturday we went to Roanoke Island. We visited the Adventure Museum, saw the Elizabeth II ship, and an old-time settlement. Andrew and Leah both loved dressing up as pirates & soldiers & old-fashioned ladies.

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Even Abigail shot a gun. Smile


Andrew did NOT want to get out of the toy boat.


Neither of them were really excited about going below deck on the Elizabeth II—it was a little crowded that day and the stairs were pretty steep. Plus it was very cold!


But they did enjoy exploring the settlement: touching animal furs, scraping out an old log to make a boat, and standing by a campfire.

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So glad Grandma & Grandpa live close by and we have the freedom to get away for weekends like this!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Abigail’s First Food


What better way to celebrate my growing baby’s first Easter and her five-month birthday than by giving her her first taste of solid foods?

Her first bite… She held the first few in her mouth for a little while & didn’t swallow, but she didn’t really spit it out either. She didn’t have much of a reaction at all, in fact. Just sat there with the cereal in her mouth.


And then ate her table…


And then spit it out…


And then we had an audience…


She would rather give it a try herself. (She grabs everything these days!)


Then Daddy gave it a try…


And Big Sister…


And Big Brother…


“I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. This spoon is good, though…”


“But much more fun to bang on the table…”


She’s happy now, but she had a big tummy ache later that night and screamed a little while. She didn’t really ingest much, I think she just had an “off” schedule of eating because of Easter and all our other activities.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Abigail @ 5 Months


At her doctor appointment on the 23rd, Abigail weighed 14 lbs., 9 oz. (the same Leah weighed when she was 6 months) & was almost 26 inches long (the 85th%)! She is flying through her 3-6 month clothes since she is so tall.


As much as I try to get her on a schedule, with 2 older kids, the baby sometimes ends up getting the short end of the stick. When we’re home, she’s usually up at 7:30 or 8, then sleeps again from about 9:30 until lunch, then again from around 2 or 3 until 5. Then she’s up until bedtime around 7:30. So usually she’s only awake 1 1/2 to 2 hours at a time. She’ll usually nurse when she first wakes up, and then sometimes a little more before she goes to sleep, so every 2 hours when she’s awake. She’ll take about 20 minutes to eat in the morning & evening, but usually only about 10 minutes or so the rest of the day.


She’s finally getting better at the bottle (although she won’t take one from me) but still won’t take a paci. She’s pretty stuck on those middle two fingers. The doctor said it didn’t seem like she had teeth popping in, even though they must be at the early stages with as much as things are put into her mouth!


She’s giggling and smiling and interacting a lot more now and she brings us so much laughter! She can really play with toys now, and rotates from her tummy on the floor (where she chows down on anything you hand her to play with), the Exersaucer, the bouncer seat, or on her back on the playmat. She’s usually perfectly content as long as someone’s around to talk to her or pay attention to her. If I put her in Leah & Andrew’s room she’s content a lot longer than by herself. She’s social just like her sister & brother! She still prefers to be standing on her feet more than anything else. And hasn’t officially rolled over, although she’s flipped over in her crib several times now, in the middle of the night. I have yet to see it during the day, but she tries so hard to move around.



We had a little 5-month/ Easter photo shoot & I couldn’t pick my favorite! She looks cute in bows.

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