Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Abigail’s Baby Shower


Sunday we were so blessed with a beautiful baby shower for our third-born by our amazing church family (specifically our Young Adult Sunday School Class). They did a great job decorating (“pink-ing it up”), served some great finger foods, and definitely went over the top with gifts. We got a swing and bouncer seat, two of the large items we wore out after Andrew and didn’t bring with us in the move. We also got plenty of diapers—all sizes—and wipes, and lots of cute clothes. We are so blessed and we are most certainly ready for Abigail’s arrival (we’re praying for this week although it will probably be more like 2 weeks) any day now!


That is a box of all wipes. I think 800. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many wipes.






One person was thoughtful enough to get Andrew and Leah a goodie bag. They had toys to keep them entertained the whole shower, which was during nap time, by the way.



Don’t really have a picture of all the gifts, but this is some.

10-14-12_19 10-14-12_20

And this is the motherload of diapers & wipes.


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