Sunday, October 28, 2012

39 1/2 Weeks Pregnant


So I technically haven’t gotten to my due date yet—I am now 3 days away. However, I had all these expectations that this little girl would arrive early, since both her brother & sister did, and it would have been much more convenient since there’s so many other things going on next week. (Brett’s going back to work full time so he’ll be an hour away all day long, plus Mom & Dad have something to do on Tuesday—IF they can make it at all since now a hurricane is on the way.) Add to this the fact that everyone I see at church looks at me with pity that I’m “still around” and I am beginning to get a bit discouraged. I know that babies come when they are ready, and it’s not supposed to be convenient, but I really am tired of being pregnant. Of course, I have loved the journey and I’m so glad that I have had the privilege of carrying a third child to term with great health; however, I’m just ready to hold her already!!

Since we had all the extra time, I’ve really gotten to where I feel completely prepared. I spent 2 days cooking about 6 different meals to put in our freezer for when I just don’t feel like cooking. I was able to go and get a bumper for her crib, as well as a bathtub (which we still lacked), and we’ve changed the draperies so Abigail’s room is more feminine (although still not completely done, since Andrew still naps in there) and Leah & Andrew’s room is more neutral.


(We’re not completely happy with these brown drapes, as they look like something in a grown-up’s room, but they’ll do for now, and they blend with both Leah & Andrew’s comforters.)

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(This probably isn’t how her name will stay—we hope to add ribbons or something else to spruce it up! Her crib will also get a pink bumper once we move Andrew out.)

Now I’m just biding my time, unmotivated to even do things with the kids, even though most of the time I really do feel pretty good. I try to take them outside to play, and even try to do some walking to work the baby out, but I tire quickly and would rather just pass the time sleeping! (Besides that, I don’t have many clothes that fit me anymore!) At the doctor last Monday, I was not at all dilated or progressing, although that means very little to me. I feel somewhat crampy at night, and some shooting pains in my upper legs, but no contractions. I have a feeling she’s going to be a big girl, the longer she stays inside!


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Abigail’s Baby Shower


Sunday we were so blessed with a beautiful baby shower for our third-born by our amazing church family (specifically our Young Adult Sunday School Class). They did a great job decorating (“pink-ing it up”), served some great finger foods, and definitely went over the top with gifts. We got a swing and bouncer seat, two of the large items we wore out after Andrew and didn’t bring with us in the move. We also got plenty of diapers—all sizes—and wipes, and lots of cute clothes. We are so blessed and we are most certainly ready for Abigail’s arrival (we’re praying for this week although it will probably be more like 2 weeks) any day now!


That is a box of all wipes. I think 800. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many wipes.






One person was thoughtful enough to get Andrew and Leah a goodie bag. They had toys to keep them entertained the whole shower, which was during nap time, by the way.



Don’t really have a picture of all the gifts, but this is some.

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And this is the motherload of diapers & wipes.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumpkin Time


Saturday Leah & Andrew & I took a fun fall adventure to a Corn Maze/ Pumpkin Patch. Upon first glance, I thought the place wouldn’t be much fun. There wasn’t as much to do as I’d thought, but we made the most of it, and I think overall they had a great time!




They had some hay bales to climb on and play around on.

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They had a small playground. Leah enjoyed the swings. Andrew enjoyed playing with the small gourds & pumpkins on the checkers board.

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We got to ride the hayride twice. (Although there wasn’t any hay, so it was more like a tractor ride.) They both said this was their favorite part.


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I wasn’t planning on actually doing the corn maze (what with being 9 months pregnant and all, and having a terrible sense of direction), but they both said they wanted to try it. They started out very gung-ho, but got pretty tired about 5-10 minutes in. I don’t think they knew what they had gotten themselves into. I could see the main area the whole time, though, and we ended up cheating at the end. :)


Then we got to pick out our pumpkin!

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And later we came home and carved them into jack-o-lanterns. Miss Priss refused to touch any of it with her hands. Andrew just wanted to pick up the pumpkin and play with it. He enjoyed taking out the seeds, saying “This is disgusting!” the whole time. Brett and I ended up doing most of the work, although they designed the shapes of the faces.

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The finished product. Andrew just wanted to play with his. I need to get him a pretend one that he can toss around like a ball.

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And now a happier face…



And we can officially say Fall is here!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

County Fair & Fall is Here


Fall is my favorite time of year! I always have so many things I want the kids to do when October comes around. This year its hard to plan much seeing as how we have no idea when Little Sister will make her arrival but we’re getting in what we can as the weather is finally cooling down!

Last weekend our church did a baptism service at a campground where there’s a river. They also had some animals and a playground for the kids and a small little pumpkin patch. I managed to get the kids to stop playing long enough to take a pumpkin picture!


I usually like to brave the NC State Fair. This year we went instead to our local County Fair, which had the same things we usually enjoy, just on a smaller scale. It ended up being a very hot day so we didn’t stay long but we got in all the fun Fair festivities. We saw tractors.


They got their faces painted. Leah got a butterfly. Andrew, a dragon.


They pretended to milk a cow.


They had a little kids’ agricultural area where they picked out produce. Andrew wanted to fill his basket as full as he could, and he really didn’t want to give it back when we had to leave. He also literally picked the “chicken” up to get the eggs! Farming may not be in his future.


They loved the little kids’ magic show.



And out of all the Fair foods they could have tried, they wanted ice cream. Blue ice cream. (I guess it was cotton candy flavor.) But I suppose it was much healthier than the fried Oreos I had. Smile 


Fall’s arrival also means a new wardrobe. I hit up my usual bi-annual consignment sale Thursday, and really racked up! I had more I was willing to spend this year than I usually do, so I got everything both kids will need for the whole season: at least 14 outfits each. Plus socks, shoes, and even underwear. And I only spent $100. I was so excited about my finds. I didn’t get much for the baby because we’re having a baby shower next weekend and she already has a ton of hand-me-downs from Leah. But now I am ready for it to stay cold so they can wear fun new things!
