Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Church Playground

Since we got to this church, there have been plans in the works to build a new playground. I don’t have any “before” shots of what we had on our grounds, but let’s just say it was lacking. (Of course, the kids always made the most of it and had fun anyway.) So I got to be a small part in the Playground Committee that designed and got our new playground up and running. We raised over $14,000 in 2 or 3 fundraisers over the course of a year and put forth a lot of teamwork, and we are so pleased with the final result! The kids got a chance to “break it in” yesterday. The young families in our church are certainly growing closer to each other through the whole experience of working together on a project and we’re excited about the opportunities for growth this playground will provide.




We designed it all to be about 6 feet off the ground, so as to appeal to the older children, and thankfully, both Leah and Andrew loved it as well. They had no problem with most of the equipment and it was so safe I didn’t feel like I constantly had to be by their side. Andrew can go down all the slides on his own. The only parts Leah will not try are the fire pole and the climbing ladder you see behind the foremost slide in the top picture. All her friends tried it, however, but Leah is not the type to try things that look a little scary.


We saved some of the equipment we used to have, and for right now it’s sitting just outside the fence. Wouldn’t you know, that’s just where Andrew wanted to be—on the equipment we had all along. And Leah said her favorite part was building a “sandcastle” from the mulch. Now remind me why we spent all that money?




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